Your Daily MomScope for January 13, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Your kiddo has a way of getting other people to do whatever they want. They just ask for a bottle or binky, and it's in their hand. You can have a similar effect on people around you today -- much to your advantage.


You may think you're inspiring the tyke to achieve greatness -- they think it's just another lecture. Since actions speak most loudly, try leading by example. Kind gestures come back to you multiplied.


You may feel like your partner doesn't appreciate how hard-working you are. There's only one way to get the acknowledgement you seek -- ask! Same goes for the kiddo, who really is glad you're there for them.


Your healing skills will be needed today. It could be a bandage for a scraped knee or some comfort for bruised feelings. Whichever one it is, you'll know just how to kiss and make it better. Much better.


You're ready to find a position that will give you more authority. This would be a good day to make some discreet inquiries among some colleagues. It could mark your first step of a future move up the ladder.

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This is a day to go for the romance rather than letting it come to you. Go ahead and make your other half a proposition they can't refuse. It will help your cause if you set the scene: candles, wine, roses, the works.


You and your little one will form a great partnership today. They go down the hill on the sled, you get to drag it back up. They toss their sippy cup, you get to pick it up. What a wonderful team you make!


You're open to new ideas today. Listen to the other moms about how they handle things like nap time and time outs. It could be there's a different way to do things that works better. Change it up and see what happens.


Today, your direct manner is a winning strategy. Some straight talking will help you get a few things clear with your kiddo. This time they're likely get it.


Today you should be wary of new schemes that require an outlay of cash. An infomercial or home party pitch promising spectacular results may be appealing in the moment. But down the road, not so much.


If you're feeling a little pooped today, why not sleep in or take a long nap? Your tyke will naturally balk at the idea of an extended snooze. But once they experience that refreshed feeling afterward, it might become a fave.


Go ahead and dream your dreams, no matter how unrealistic, today. Someday your tyke will be able to accomplish great things, you're sure. They need you to hold this vision of them if they're to make improbable things happen.

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