Your Daily MomScope for July 25, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


There's still a lot of undone stuff on your to-do list. Why not bring baby along? You can whiz through it while they achieve their own goals (play, sleep, nap). And time with you is more fun than staring at a mobile all day!


Yes, you know you should color code all of baby's toys and maybe put the books in alphabetic order. But a better activity might be one that benefits your health. Book a 'mommy and me' spa session and hit the pool with the tyke.


Your little one has much to do today, such as learning colors and shapes. Your own brain may go numb with all the repetition, but it's necessary for them. And you can always pull out the crossword book when they go down for a nap.


You have a project or business that's only in the idea phase, and needs someone's help to make it a reality. Keep an open mind about who that someone is. It could be a person quite different than expected, and the start of a beautiful friendship.


It was a good deal on the computer or software, and not just for you. You'll have fun checking out the sites and programs that amuse and educate the tyke. Make sure to click 'Save' on your own work before someone's little fingers get busy.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Others may wear last-year's overalls to day care, but you're out to make a statement. Yet you'd be amazed how little being best-dressed means to your tyke. Leave room in the budget for things that are important to them, like toys.


It's a super day! Everything will be going your way. Celebrate by giving the tyke a piggyback ride or tummy tickle. Don't forget to schedule something that tickles your fancy as well, like that overdue trip to the hairstylist.


You're focused more on inner realities today, so sit back and take things in. It won't stop the tyke from joining the party and doing their own thing. Which frees you up to rest a bit, even with one eye riveted on their antics.


Fun and laughter abound today, cropping up where you least expect them. When the tyke and friends get together at the playground, it's mostly about them. But there's nothing to stop you from having a ball, too!


Another excellent day for career progress. But do take time to take in some culture with the little one. Schedule a trip to the children's museum or get some concert tickets. It will remind both of you there's more to life.


You love to perform for an audience, so unleash your flair for comedy today. Stand up and treat their fans (the tyke and friends) to a big show. Add some variety by letting them join in, dancing up a storm or singing at the top of their lungs.


The promising financial trend continues, but only if you don't tempt fate. Yes, you'll save if you stock up on paper and pencils now -- but will the tyke ever use 300 No. 2 Ticonderogas? Save some of the budget for more fun things, like art supplies.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.