Your Daily Singles Horoscope for January 10, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You're interested in moving forward with this nonchalant relationship, but you're not sure what to say. Don't force it. The Universe will lead you by the hand through this delicate situation.


You shy away from contentious conversations, but you're feeling rebellious today. Insert a controversial comment and watch what happens. An interested eavesdropper could lead to an unexpected connection.


It's the perfect time to scope out a new love interest, unless you're happily ensconced with someone, that is! You're as desirable as all get out, and the right people will turn their heads your way.


You have tons of friends, and you're certainly not the only single person among them. Start networking. Even if you don't find a date, seek like-minded pals for a fresh perspective.


Today is a great day to show your appreciation for your friends and family with a spontaneous dinner party. Spend the evening playing music, laughing, and reminiscing about old times.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Nonverbal communication is a great thing if it's used and interpreted properly. Problem is you and a certain person just can't reach a meeting of the minds. Use your words. Save the rest for later.


Notice the subtleties of everyone around you today and store them in your memory. Don't worry. You'll retrieve this information later when a strategically placed detail will make or break you professionally or romantically.


Don't get too heavy with this emotional thing right now. Let nature take its course and the Universe will work it out. Keep the conversation open-ended and encourage feedback. Listen.


Expand your mind today and sign up for a class. Whether you explore cooking, painting, or playing the trombone, do it with zeal. Who knows? Maybe you'll make a love connection in the process.


You haven't thought about that love-gone-bad situation in a while, but it's weighing heavily on you now. Don't let baggage from the past affect your emotional growth. Write a letter and burn it. It's time to say good-bye.


Embrace and flaunt your independence today. You'll be the envy of all your attached friends. Someone unattached will notice your bravado, and it's all the better for you because they find you irresistible.


Don't let that toxic coworker take advantage of your giving nature. You don't have time to listen to their complaining today. Set some boundaries around your work space. It's okay to say you're busy.

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