Your Daily TeenScope for January 13, 2023

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Make sure you're not just kicking back and letting life go on -- stir up something new today! The more you do, the better you'll feel, and your good energy should make it all easy.


You need to delve deeply into your subconscious mind today -- which could be as easy as taking a long nap! However you get there, you should pick up on some hidden intuitions that help a lot in the real world.


No matter how dire things seem early today, you can change them for the better. In fact, the final outcome is almost entirely up to you, so be ready to throw your weight around to good effect!


You seem to be torn between two equally messy options today -- but you can come out of it feeling great if you try something nobody else would ever think you'd do. Surprise the world!


You are feeling absolutely great today, and your good energy is spilling out all over the place -- so those around you can share the love! It's a good day to be your friend, that's for sure.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


You're feeling the urge to slack off today, but you know that you have to take care of something big before you can really relax. It's better to loaf with a clear conscience, right?


Almost anything you want is possible today, as long as you ask the right person with the right tone. Communication comes naturally to you, and the day's energy is trying to reward you for that.


You should think twice or three times before stepping up and trying to show off or make a play right now -- it's not the best time for risk-taking. Wait until you have a better energy flow.


Today is the day that it all comes together for you -- you can tell! Your great energy should combine with the day's activities to make life extra-sweet and keep you smiling no matter what!


Today is all about perseverance -- if you can stand up to everything that comes your way, as weird as it all may seem, you can get just about anything done. Giving up before you're defeated is the big risk.


You need to get involved with people who are on your side -- and there are plenty of them! It's a good time for you to look around for groups or individuals who share your deeper values.


Your parents are flexing their muscles today, and might seem to be disagreeing with your just for the sake of disagreement. You need to go along with it this time -- but you can flex your own muscles soon!

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