Did Jennifer Lopez Just Show the World Her Wedding Locale?


As you may recall, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez triggered America’s double-tap reflex this past March when they announced their engagement.

Lopez is a tad busy these days, what with her It’s My Party Tour, a role in the hotly anticipated Hustlers, and, like, exuding the sort of energy it takes to simply exist as J.Lo. But despite the intensity of her schedule, we’re told a J-Rod wedding is forthcoming.

<p>Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images</p>

Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images

With that in mind, our jaws dropped when we saw the newly 50-year-old’s Instagram story the other day. While in Antalya, Turkey for her tour, the multi-hyphenate snapped a photo of a picturesque beach lined with palm trees that led to a heart-shaped altar-like construction. But what really piqued our interest was the bold tag toward the bottom of the photo: @arod.


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Considering the proposal itself transpired on a similarly Pinterest-worthy beach at sunset, it seems likely that J-Rod’s wedding vibe will follow suit.