Dog's Elated Reaction to Employee Coming Into Work Is Too Sweet

We'd never be late if this was our coworker.

As many of you probably already know, getting into work on time is a struggle. At least it is for us! We keep snoozing that alarm until the last possible second, forcing us to rush around until we get into the office. If only there was something at work that could motivate us to get there on time...

But wait, there is! If our work had an adorable employee working like TikTok user @warriordesigns911's work does, then we'd be there on time every day. Heck, we'd even be early! And once you see this hard worker, you'll be wanting one at your work too.

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O.M.G. That dog was SO excited for this TikToker to finally make it into work. That's the kind of serotonin boost we need every morning! Not to mention, this dog is probably the best employee there. LOL!

"His customer service skills cannot be matched," wrote @thecrochetbitxh. Right?! He's probably so attentive with every single customer he works with. LOL! And he's a stickler for the rules. @whoisbka43 said, "He said you're late." Oh, we wouldn't dare make that mistake again with him running the show!

@krazykenzzy commented, "This would make me want to come to work every day. This is the motivation I need." SAME! All jobs need to start having fur babies in the office. The mood and overall production would skyrocket!

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