Don't Know What to Write in Your Coworker's Birthday Card? We've Got You Covered

birthday wishes for coworker
35 Thoughtful Birthday Wishes for Your CoworkersGetty Images

We’ve all been there: Someone is passing around a birthday card for your coworker and you’re like, “aghhh, what do I write??” You probably want something a little more creative than just “happy birthday!” but you don’t want to get too flowery, either. It’s easier to come up with birthday wishes if your coworker is also your bestie, but if it’s a colleague or a boss you're not as close with, you may feel stumped. Don’t worry! We’ve got ideas for happy birthday wishes for coworkers and even some birthday wishes for your boss, bc that is a whole other minefield in some workplaces.

Here’s my advice: keep it simple but personal. You can add a thoughtful detail, like how they’re super stylish or know everything there is to know about a certain topic. Or you can think about what makes them stand out — are they always up for a happy hour? Do they generally just have a good attitude about everything? Are they known for being a manager who advocates for their team’s work-life balance? Whatever info you have about them can be integrated into your birthday wishes, and it’ll make them feel nice to know that they’re seen and appreciated.

Also, it's probably a good idea to avoid mentioning that time they got too drunk at a work function or the fact that they hate this job — you never know who else is gonna see these words, so don't make it weird! But you know your workplace best, so you can decide if those jokes will fly or not.

Okay, without further ado, here are some birthday wish ideas for coworkers and bosses! Go forth and navigate office social politics with confidence! BTW, if you need some gift ideas for your coworker or your boss, we've got those too.

Simple Birthday Wishes for a Coworker

  • Happy birthday to a great coworker!

  • I’m so glad we get to work together. Happy birthday!

  • Happy birthday to someone who always makes the office a brighter place!

  • Wishing you a very happy birthday, hope it's a great year!

  • There’s no one I’d rather chat with on Slack. Happy birthday to my fave coworker!

  • Happy birthday to the most stylish person in the office.

  • Take a day off and celebrate! You definitely deserve it after last quarter / week.

  • Happy birthday to my fave coworker!

  • Remember to smile awkwardly as the whole office sings you “Happy birthday!”

  • Thanks for having a birthday because now we all get cake!

  • Happy birthday to the coworker who’s always there to answer my questions about [work topic].

  • Wishing a very happy birthday to my favorite office pal.

  • Happy birthday to someone I can always count on for a laugh!

  • Happy birthday to someone who’s always willing to go on a coffee walk with me!

Short Birthday Wishes for Boss

  • Happy birthday to a boss who makes this a great place to come to work each day.

  • Happy birthday, boss! Wishing you the best year.

  • It’s so wonderful to have someone like you as our leader. Happy birthday!

  • I can’t thank you enough for your mentorship and your advocacy. Enjoy your day!

  • Wishing a very happy birthday to a wonderful manager.

  • Happy birthday from the whole team.

  • Your vision for this organization continues to inspire all of us. Happy birthday!

  • Since it’s your birthday, we made sure to save some sprinkle donuts [or whatever office/workplace treat they like] for you!

  • I know you’ve worked especially hard over this last quarter, now it’s time to relax and celebrate your day!

  • May all your birthday wishes come true!

Touching Birthday Wishes for Coworker or Boss

  • You’ve done a great job bringing our team together over this past year. I’m so happy to be working alongside you!

  • Although we’re all remote, you’ve done an amazing job of making everyone feel connected and welcome. Happy birthday to a fantastic coworker/boss!

  • Happy birthday!! I seriously cannot thank you enough for all you did on [XYZ project], I hope you know how much I value your hard work. Now go enjoy your day!

  • Happy birthday to someone who’s a fantastic coworker/boss and an even better friend.

  • Happy birthday to the leader who truly brings out the best in me.

  • Wishing you a birthday that’s as special and awesome as you are!

  • I hope you see yourself the way I see you: smart, capable, kind, and strong. Have the best birthday, you deserve it!

  • The best decision [company] ever made was hiring you! Happy birthday!

  • Some workdays may be long, but I know I can always count on you to come through with a sunny attitude that lifts the rest of us up!

  • Here’s to another year of Friday lunch dates and post-work happy hours!

  • I hope you know how much you’re appreciated, today and every day!

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