Donut Wreaths Make Perfectly Festive Holiday Centerpieces

Christmas wreath with donuts
Christmas wreath with donuts - ltummy/Shutterstock

If you're hosting for the holidays, it's only natural to prioritize the presentation of certain appetizers or desserts. There are plenty of savory Christmas wreath recipes out there, but turning donuts into a wreath can create a sweet, festive centerpiece for your holiday table — plus, it's a fun, creative way to serve dessert. (Don't be surprised, though, if your guests find it too pretty to eat.)

Wreaths are generally seasonal decor items crafted from pine tree leaves and twigs and sometimes topped with berries or pinecones. While they're usually placed on front doors during the holidays, they can also serve as a great centerpiece. Their circular shape allows for a candle or flower arrangement to be placed in the center. The goal of a donut wreath is to organize an array of treats in a way that resembles an iconic piece of holiday decor.

To create this dessert wreath, you'll need a round styrofoam wheel, which you can find online or in most hobby stores. Since styrofoam can be a bit fragile, you might want to cover your wreath in plastic wrap before using toothpicks to insert the donuts. You can use any number of different donut shapes and flavors in your dessert centerpiece, but smaller ones seem to work best for a traditionally sized wreath. Powdered donut rings bring that frosted, snowy look, and glazed donut holes can fill in those small spaces.

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You Have Countless Donut Options For Your Dessert Wreath

Box of donut holes
Box of donut holes - Lauripatterson/Getty Images

Since most people overwhelmingly prefer glazed donuts to other types, just pop some classic glazed donut holes in your wreath, and it's sure to be a hit with guests. Similarly, chocolate donut holes can be used to mimic the color of twigs. Topping the whole project with powdered sugar will also create the illusion of freshly fallen snow. A few cranberries and some decorative sprigs of rosemary are the perfect finishing touches to complete the look of your holiday donut wreath. If you want your centerpiece to be a bit more edible, you can also opt for red grapes, as not everyone can handle the bitterness of raw cranberries.

These wreaths are extremely versatile, and all of your favorite donut flavors can find a spot. Plus, you can even incorporate regular-sized donuts in between your holes and miniature powdered rings if you're feeling creative. Much of the fun comes from mixing and matching flavors to create unique wreath looks — you can even make the creation an activity at your holiday party or get young kids involved to make it a family affair. Not only will your donut wreath add to the festive appeal of your holiday table, but it will taste delicious and give your guests something to rave about.

Read the original article on Mashed.