This Easy S’mores in a Cup Recipe Cooks on Any Camp Stove

This article originally appeared on Backpacker

I rarely light campfires anymore. Fire danger, lack of easy-to-find wood, exhaustion after a high-mileage or steep day: There are many reasons I've mostly abandoned the blaze. For the most part, I don't miss them. By the time the sun sets, I'm usually tired and uninterested in creating more work for myself.

What I do miss is the camaraderie of a campfire. It's a place to gather with your friends to pass a flask, roast marshmallows, share stories and tell jokes, and just generally enjoy each other's company. For years, I've been looking for flame-free and fire-ban-appropriate ways to replicate that feeling.

This quick, simple take on s'mores is perfect for those nights when you're looking for an excuse to extend your group's dinnertime by just a few minutes. You can cook it on any camp stove with minimal equipment; the only extra equipment you'll need to bring is a metal mug that fits inside your pot without touching the sides (the TOAKS Titanium Single Wall 450ml Cup is good if you're in the market for one). Like our pancake- and cupcake-in-a-mug recipes, this method uses a water bath to evenly melt the ingredients together without burning them, resulting in a smooth, creamy spread that's so good, you won't mind eating it by headlamp.


  • 3.5 oz. milk chocolate

  • 1/2 cup mini regular or vegan marshmallows

  • Graham crackers (optional)


  1. Layer chocolate in your mug and add marshmallows on top.

  2. Using three or four small flat rocks, build a platform for the mug to sit on in the bottom of the pot. (This elevates the mug so it's not directly in contact with the pot, preventing any hot spots from forming at the bottom.)

  3. Pour water into the pot until it's just lower than the top of the marshmallow layer. If the mug begins to float, you've added too much.

  4. Loosely cover the pot with a lid or aluminum foil and bring the water to a slow boil. Cook for two minutes, or until the marshmallows on top begin to melt and puff up.

  5. Carefully retrieve the mug from your pot with a camp towel or pot grabber. (Watch out for steam.) Spoon onto graham crackers, or just eat straight out of the mug.

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