El Niño Could Deliver "Huge Snowstorms" To The East This Winter

With winter rapidly approaching, forecasters are taking a stab at what the continuing El Niño will mean for snow conditions throughout North America.

In a forecast uploaded late last week, forecasting group Direct Weather calls for "huge snowstorms" this winter along the eastern seaboard.

Here's the deep dive.

Now, I'm no weatherman, but I've spent much of this fall looking at El Niño forecasts (skiers and long-range forecasts, name a better duo), and Direct Weather's predictions approximate what other major meteorological groups are calling for: warmer and drier in the Northwest, with wetter conditions in the South and East.

Simply put, Direct Weather's recipe could translate into a turn of fortunes for the East -- the possibility of "huge snowstorms" is on the horizon. Fingers crossed, this prediction pans out for you East Coast skiers.

In the meantime, distractions are your friend. Get those snow dances going, or hop on the downhill bike -- it'll be winter before you know it.

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