Everything You Need to Know About Costco's Ominous 'Death Star'

There's a line in Mean Girls: "That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets." You know what else is full of secrets? The price tags at Costco. And one "hidden" code on a Costco price tag is the death star. As the name implies, it denotes doom for a product.

Last month, one Redditor passively mentioned that the Delici chocolate souffle had the dreaded death star. The Internet mourned a couple of years ago when popular TikTok account @costcofinds spilled the beans that Lavazza Espresso Italiano had the death star.

But if you're new to shopping at Costco (or finally got your own membership card and are now a regular), you may be new to this "death star" term. What does it mean? Where can you find it? And what should you do if you see it?

We got you. Here's everything shoppers need to know about the Costco death star and how to proceed

Related: Secret's Out: How to Tell If Your Aldi Fave Is Getting Discontinued

What Is the Costco Death Star?

The Costco death star is the nickname shoppers gave to the asterisk (*) in the upper-right-hand corner of the price tag. It means a product is going out of stock and won't return for a while — maybe ever.

Does the Costco Death Star Mean the Product Is Discontinued?

Not necessarily. Costco uses the death star, or asterisk, on a price tag when the warehouse won't be restocking the item. But it may simply be that the product is seasonal and will return next year. Other times, it does mean the product is making a permanent exit from Costco shelves.

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What Should You Do If You See the Costco Death Star?

You mean after you scream "Nooooo" into the void (or down Aisle 3, as shoppers stare)? Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Stock up. Costco is known for its ability to buy in bulk. Kirkland Plastic Wrap has outlasted some marriages. You may be able to buy yourself days, weeks, months and even years by stockpiling, particularly if the product is non-perishable.

  2. Consider freezing. If the product has an expiration date, like coffee beans, you may be able to freeze the,

  3. Ask a staffer for intel. A Costco employee may have information on whether the item was simply seasonal or is really going out of stock. Ask, and you may feel a bit better knowing you'll see your favorite ice cream next year.

  4. Ask a staffer for recommendations. Costco employees may be able to recommend similar products they love, and you can start transitioning to them.

  5. Give feedback. Want to try to save your product from doom? Costco has spots where you can offer feedback. Submit your hopes that your favorite product will return, and see if pals who also swear by it will do the same. Organize!

Other Costco Label Secrets

The death star isn't the only "code" hidden in plain sight on Costco labels. TikToker @frankniu spilled all the tea on how to be a Costco detective in February. (No magnifying glass required.)

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  • .00: Prices that end in .00 are essentially another death star. The items are at a reduced price, and the manager wants them off the shelf — forever.

  • .99: These items are full price.

  • .97: This price signifies the item is a store manager's deal. These snags are limited time, so grab 'em while they're marked down.

  • .49 or .79: These items are part of a manufacturer's special offer. Typically, these items are on a trial run, so the manufacturer has lowered the price from the standard retail one to gauge customers' appetite.

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