Feral Cat's Cries Over Kitty BFF Who's Missing Are So Heartbreaking

Animals are not much different than humans, as they can feel emotions such as sadness, stress, grief, and happiness.

TikToker Patti Odom Hutchison shares such a heartbreaking video, posted on September 3, of her feral cat Minnie, who misses her buddy Gadget, and we all feel for Minnie!

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Aw, look at her; she's crying for her friend.

This is so sad.

Feral cats, like domesticated cats, can form strong social connections, and when one of their friends or companions goes missing, they can exhibit signs of grief and distress, just like us humans.

When a feral cat's close companion goes missing, they may vocalize more, looking for their friend or expressing their sadness and confusion.

Minnie sure is sad!

It's like she's asking Patti, "Have you seen Gadget?"

A cat who is mourning the loss or absence of a companion may exhibit searching behavior. This can include wandering around the area where they last saw their friend, sniffing, and calling out in hopes of locating their missing companion.

They may also become less active, eat less, and even suffer from stress-related health issues. It's important to provide comfort and support to a cat in this situation, although it can be challenging because feral cats may respond differently to human attempts at consolation.

It's always heartbreaking to witness the distress of animals, especially when they've formed close bonds with one another.

However, over time, many cats can adjust to the absence of a friend, especially if they are provided with companionship and attention from humans or other animals.

Let's hope Gadget returns home safe and sound.

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