How to Get Fingerprints Off the Wall: Cleaning Pros Share Their Easy Tricks

Of course, we'd all love for our walls to stay as shiny and clean as they were when first painted. However, messes, art supplies and run-of-the-mill smudges are bound to happen at some point. Whether you have little ones running around or not, fingerprints will inevitably end up on the wall. Don't fret though as all it takes is a little DIY and gentle scrubbing with solutions found right in your home. Keep reading to find out how to get fingerprints off the wall without messing up the paint.

How to get fingerprints off the wall: 4 simple hacks

For best results, experts advise getting fingerprints off the wall as soon as possible, but these tricks can help remove them no matter how long they've been there.

Related: How to Remove Fingerprints on Anything – Cleaning Pros Reveal Cheap + Easy Fixes

1. How to get fingerprints off the wall with baking soda and a sponge

Baking soda is top-notch when it comes to removing stains. Oftentimes when mixed with water or other cleaning supplies, it will turn into a paste that helps lift dirt and grime, and yes even fingerprints off the wall.

In a TikTok from @victorias.way, the lifestyle and travel influencer shows how she simply wets a sponge, adds a teaspoon of baking soda to it and proceeds to remove any fingerprints or marks on her walls.

Tip: Don't scrub too hard as the roughness from the sponge can affect the paint or wallpaper. See how she does it below:

2. How to get fingerprints off the wall with Tide powder

Karen Wilson or @help_a_mother_out on TikTok swears by Tide's original powder when it comes to getting fingerprints off the wall. "I keep a small container under my sink because I use it to clean the walls," Wilson said in one of her videos.

Combine about a teaspoon of the Tide powder with a lot of hot water and use a rag to remove the fingerprints. "I love that Tide has an enzyme in it that cuts through grime better than anything else I use," she adds. She scrubs each affected area lightly until the smudges are no longer visible.

Related: Use This Cheap Trick to Remove the Stinky Smells Coming From Your Walls

3. How to get fingerprints off the wall using white chalk

White chalk sticks
Arthit Pornpikanet

If you thought chalk was only for sidewalk art and fun pictures, surprise! It also doubles as a helpful cleaning product. According to the team at Merry Maids, "chalk is porous, meaning it has some amazing absorbent qualities."

To do: First, it's important to wear down the chalk if you're using a fresh stick as the sharpness of it will leave marks and scratch the paint.

Once it's ready, rub it over the areas with fingerprints and let it sit for five to 10 minutes. Wipe away the chalk with a damp microfiber cloth and repeat until all the fingerprints are gone. Also, while it seems obvious, white chalk (not the colored kind) is the only one that will actually remove any smudges or stains.

How to get fingerprints off the wall using vinegar and warm water

Head back to the kitchen for this one! Vinegar is great for its ability to cut through grease which is why it works so well in removing fingerprints. The Merry Maids say to "mix half a cup of vinegar with half a gallon of very warm water." Use a microfiber cloth to dip it into the solution and wipe away any fingerprints on the wall. Rinse with just water and dry it with a clean cloth.

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