Fitness Model Mom Reveals Her Impressive Six-Pack Ab Workout

Baby Sitting on Mother Working Out Abs Flutter Yoga
Baby Sitting on Mother Working Out Abs Flutter Yoga

Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Sarah Stage has made headlines over and over again for maintaining her six-pack abs while pregnant—and the fitness model showed us all what her workout routine really entails while expecting her second child in June 2017.

The mama shared a clip of one of her prenatal workouts on her Instagram page, and it's a really eye-opening look at how hard she works to stay as fit as possible. It's important to remember that every woman is different before, during and after pregnancy—and while Stage is still rocking her six-pack despite the fact that she's six months pregnant, that's not to say that all pregnant women should strive to look the way she does.

But this mama's commitment to living a healthy lifestyle throughout her pregnancy? Well, it's pretty commendable.

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Stage makes one thing very clear: She's not putting her baby at risk by keeping up with these challenging prenatal workouts. Stage points out that she got the go-ahead from her doctor to keep exercising during pregnancy, which is really all that matters—and any flack she's faced from social media users isn't cool in light of that. With that being said, Stage also reiterates that every pregnant lady has a different situation, and that there's no one-size-fits-all fitness situation that'll work for everyone. So if you want to work out like this fit preggo, talk to your doctor before you give this workout a go. (Stage also published a fitness ebook if you want to try out her full routine.)

RELATED: 15-Minute At-Home Prenatal Workout

Oh, and let's all keep in mind that there's no right or wrong way to look during pregnancy. So six-pack or not, the best thing you can do is work out often for your health—and if you don't sculpt your own set of pregnancy abs, well, that's just fine.