"It's Just A Socially Acceptable Way For Humans To Eat Cat Food": People Are Sharing The Often-Loved Foods They Actually Despise

"It's Just A Socially Acceptable Way For Humans To Eat Cat Food": People Are Sharing The Often-Loved Foods They Actually Despise

There's a reason that chocolate, vanilla, and even strawberry ice cream exist. It's because people have different taste preferences when it comes to food, of course. But every once in a while, you hear an unpopular food opinion that gives you pause. So redditor u/DownrightDwight asked, "What's a food you hate that everyone else loves?" Here's some of what people said.

1."Fruit-filled pies. The texture of the cooked fruit just doesn't do it for me. Cream pies (like chocolate, pumpkin, or Key lime) are great — but I can do without fruit pie."

A fork cutting into a slice of cherry pie
Bluestocking / Getty Images

2."Any artificial sweetener. I despise them and think they ruin any baked dish, soft drink, etc., that they're in. I don't care what anyone says — not a single artificial sweetener ever tastes like real sugar."

Sweetener packets In a restaurant container
Sharon Pruitt / Getty Images/EyeEm

3."That cheap frosting on cupcakes. Once in a blue moon, I sort of crave this stuff, but every time I eat it, I remember that it's one of the worst sweet foods out there."

A cupcake with frosting and sprinkles

4."Canned tuna fish. Let's be honest: It's basically a socially acceptable way for humans to eat cat food."

A tuna sandwich with lettuce and tomato

5."Oysters. I know they're supposed to be a delicacy and everything, but for me they just taste like salt and seaweed. I feel like I must be missing something."

A platter of oysters

6."Cottage cheese. People eat the stuff plain by the spoonful, but I can't get over the chunky and slimy texture."

Red strawberries and blueberries on top of a bowl of cottage cheese

7."Raisins. They're these wrinkly, tiny, creepy things. There's no worse feeling than accidentally eating an oatmeal raisin cookie thinking it's a chocolate chip cookie."

Close-up of a raisin cookie

8."Eggplant. I'm sorry, but this vegetable has the texture of a dirty sponge."

Pan-fried eggplant with herbs

9."Watermelon. It tastes like crunchy La Croix. It's water with a hint of flavor."

Slices of watermelon
Winslow Productions / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

10."Asparagus. It tastes like hot garbage to me. Grilled, steamed, or boiled, it's all terrible. It has this odd, woody taste to it, and the texture just doesn't sit right with me."

Risotto with asparagus

11."Baked beans. I grew up poor and I never much liked them, but we had them a lot when we were kids. They became even less enjoyable because I ate them over and over again."

A pot full of baked beans

12."Hot sauce. It doesn't add flavor. It adds heat, which makes good food taste like nothing but the spicy hot sauce. No hot sauce for me, please."

Shucked local oysters on white plate with cucumber-tomato relish and hot sauce
© Michael Grayson / Getty Images

13."Avocado. I know this is a hugely unpopular food opinion, but I hate avocado. I don't even necessarily think it's gross; it just tastes like dirt to me and has a weird texture. I like guacamole, because it’s well seasoned and you can taste the other flavors, like cilantro, lime, salt, and pepper. I've always been baffled by the avocado craze that has taken over the USA in the last decade: avocado on burgers, avocado toast, avocado ice cream. I don’t get it. I don’t like the taste of it and don’t understand why it belongs on top of everything."

Close-up of sliced avocado on toast

14."Hard-boiled eggs. The smell absolutely disgusts me. I can't even be in the same room when they're being prepared or eaten."

Peeling a hard-boiled egg

15."I can't stand Nutella. I don't understand why so many people love it. It's so cloyingly sweet and horrible."

Spoonful of chocolate spread over homemade pancakes
Sergio Amiti / Getty Images

16."Mayo. Even if you ask for no mayo and someone messes up your order when you asked for none, there's no salvaging your food. This condiment soaks in and slathers into every bite."

Mayo on white bread.

17."Olives. Black or green, I think olives are the worst. I hate them on pizza, I hate them in salads, and I hate their entire existence."

Pizza with pepperoni, cherry tomatoes and olives.

18."Ranch dressing. It's smelly, creamy, sour, and gross. I don't like ranch on anything, but I get especially grossed out at the sight of lettuce drenched in it."

A chef's salad coated with ranch dressing

19."Bananas. Even if you pack a lunch and put a banana in the bag, it contaminates everything else with that distinct banana taste. Think those Cheez-Its you packed are going to taste crunchy, cheesy, and fantastic? Wrong. If they're near a banana, they'll taste like it."

A cut toasted sandwich and a banana

20."Black beans. I have tried them in so many different recipes, from black bean soup to veggie burgers and bean dip. I've even tried black beans in tacos, quesadillas, and on nachos. I can't stand them. They instantly make me want to stop eating whatever they're served with."

Nachos topped with black beans
Jessica Solomatenko / Getty Images

21."Sweet pickles. They are nothing but a cruel joke. I remember being at a potluck years ago and grabbing a delicious-looking pickle for my plate. When I bit into it, to my dismay, it was a bread-and-butter pickle! The betrayal was unforgettable."

Bread-and-butter pickle chips

22."Truffle oil. It isn't even made from real truffles. It is disgusting, and the flavor sticks around in my nose for hours."

Truffle French fries.

23."Matcha. I love mint and pistachio-flavored things, and I even love green tea, so when I see a matcha drink or matcha-flavored ice cream, I think it looks delicious. But nope, each time I try it, it still tastes like dust."

A cup of a hot matcha drink

24."Coconut flakes. I do not want to chew on something that has the texture of paper and tastes the way suntan lotion smells."

A smoothie bowl with berries and coconut flakes

25."Sushi. I've tried it so many times and still can't get myself to like it. It's a combination of raw fish, awful texture, and no flavor at all unless you dip it in soy sauce, which I don't like either."

A person eating sushi with chopsticks
Artur Debat / Getty Images

26."Eggs. I have the weirdest relationship with this food. I love them until suddenly, without reason, my brain decides they give me the ick. Sometimes this occurs while I'm in the middle of eating eggs. Then weeks or months go by, and one day, I crave them again."

Scrambled eggs with tomato arugula salad

27."Ketchup. My whole family likes to put it on everything. If I never ate this condiment again, it’d be too soon."

Squeezing ketchup on a hot dog

28."Goat cheese. I can eat feta, cream cheese, pretty much any kind of cheese — except for goat. It tastes like burnt plastic to me."

Goat cheese on crackers

What's a food that everyone seems to love that you can't stand? Tell us in the comments!