Frenchie’s Protest Over Sibling Sitting on Mom’s Lap Is Cracking Everybody Up

Just like kids, pet siblings fight and get jealous of each other sometimes, too. Walter Geoffrey is a French Bulldog who is very vocal about, well, everything. His mom claims that he lives in 'Meltdown City' since he's very dramatic and always protesting something or arguing with her. Mom shared a video of Walter reacting to his sister Charlotte sitting on her lap on Sunday, June 16th, and it will definitely make you smile.

The video starts with Walter whining and looking very sad. Mom pans over to her lap, where Charlotte is sitting and cuddling with mom. Walter does not like being second to anyone and he also doesn't like not being the center of attention. Make sure your sound is on so that you can hear what Walter thinks about his sister's cuddle session with mom!

Walter was not at all happy about the cuddling he witnessed that he wasn't part of! He demanded to be given mom's lap and that Charlotte be put down on the floor. He was literally yelling at his mom for not paying all of her attention to him! Commenters always get a kick out of Walter's dramatic responses. @M_Q_Q made me laugh with, "Walter powering up before launching his blues inspired audio attack LOL!" and @Justin agreed, "He was powering up for that rant!" @LeandroA199 pointed out, "Charlotte is like, “What’s wrong with him?" Haha!" and @CherylB added, "Poor Charlotte! She has to listen to Walter gripe every day!!!!" I can't get enough of Walter's griping!

Related: French Bulldog Puppy's Protest Over Sitting in the Back Seat Is a Viral Sensation

Similarities Between Frenchies and Pugs

Anytime I come across one of Walter's videos, it never fails that in the comments somebody always asks if he's a French Bulldog or a Pug. If you don't know the differences between the two breeds, at first glance they do look extremely similar. But there are some obvious differences once you see the two breeds side-by-side. The most noticeable difference are their ears. Check out Walter's large batman-like ears; they stand straight up and are much larger than their heads. Pugs have rounded, floppy ears that don't stand up. The two breeds' tails are also different. French Bulldog tails are short and straight while Pugs have those adorable curly, pig-like tails.

But their differences aren't only physical. Frenchies are known for their athleticism while Pugs are a more laid back and don't require as much exercise. Frenchies are extremely vocal (not as chatty as Walter though!) but believe it or not, Pugs tend to be the louder and the most vocal of the two. Frenchies can be stubborn and like to be the boss, which means that they may be less compatible with other pets or small children. Pugs also live longer than Frenchies. French Bulldogs live an average of 9-11 years while Pugs can live 12-14 years.

While they may look similar, their personalities, temperaments, and energy levels are very different. One of these breeds may be better suited for your family and lifestyle, so make sure to do your research before deciding on the pet that's right for you.

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