Fueling Creativity: Eddie Cernicky is on Fire in his new "Inferno" part from Krooked

Eddie Cernicky's "Inferno" part came out of nowhere. Krooked blessed us all with enough leftover Cernicky clips to smack us in the face for two minutes and we're grateful, to say the least.

"When you're charging at spots 24/7 like Eddie some clips get left on the cutting room floor," said Krooked. "Luckily for us Ed's always fired up and ready to toss em into the 'Inferno'"

There is so much radness happening in this part. First and foremost, every single trick is a trick that makes you stop and think, Whaaaaattt?! That long and wide backside powerslide to switch slappy crook was one of the coolest things I've seen in a very long time. Of all the ways to set up and approach that wall switch...bravo.

The high speed, double decker hill bomb manual is out of control. That's power right there; that's confidence and imagination colliding and creating a massively chaotic, heavy clip.

You don't see wallie back 180s that often. His ender really seals the deal and closes the curtains to these two minutes of rawness in the best way. And just a reminder—these are "leftover" clips. Fresh from the cutting room floor. It'd be a shame to have every one of these clips neglected, so props to Krooked for hitting us with this out of the blue.

Solid stuff from start to finish—the tricks, the spots, the style, the blader bombing the hill with his dog, "What are you doing?" His stare, "F*ck you!"

It's all a real breath of fresh air.

Video / Krooked

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