The Funniest Tweets About This Week's Virtual Episode of 'The Bachelor'

the bachelor
The Funniest Tweets About the Virtual BachelorABC

In an episode of The Bachelor that, as many people have noted, truly could have been an email, Zach Shallcross ended up having a virtual Rose Ceremony due to testing positive for Covid. And fortunately he was just fine after resting up and isolating! Fine enough to chat with his fleet of girlfriends over Zoom, a choice best described as chaotic.

But as host Jesse Palmer put it re: Zach's commitment to his role as Bachelor, "Obviously, Zach has been feeling under the weather. And unfortunately, I've got some really bad news. He tested positive for COVID today. When Zach got the results, he was absolutely crushed. To lose that type of quality time at this stage of the journey with you all, that is Zach's worst nightmare."

Much like Bachelor Nation's worst nightmare is watching people interact over Zoom for what felt like 84 years, but moving on to some amusing tweets!

Anyway, if you're curious about how this virtual rose ceremony came about, producer Bennett Graebner told Entertainment Weekly that "The options were limited, and I believe it was Rob Mills who said, 'We should do a virtual cocktail party and a virtual rose ceremony.' In full disclosure, I thought it was a bad idea, and I told him. I said, 'I really don't think this is a good idea.' He said, 'Why? What are you so worried about?' What I was worried about was that, here we are two-and-a-half years into a pandemic, where people are just so fatigued by looking at people interacting on screens. We have to project forward five months later to when this airs, and I think people will be even more fatigued and less interested in seeing people communicate on screens. I wasn't supportive of it for that reason."

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