FYI: The Greatest ‘Camping’ Behind-the-Scenes Moment Involves Jennifer Garner & a Log

We already know that Jennifer Garner is a delight to work with (duh), but it turns out she’s also responsible for one of the funniest behind-the-scenes moments on the set of the new miniseries Camping, which premiered last night on HBO. 

In an exclusive interview with Garner and Camping co-writer and executive producer Jenni Konner, Konner tells PureWow, “Jen is very tough and strong and athletic and all of those things. I remember one of the first days we were shooting and there’s a scene where she has to push a log over.”  

The writer-director remembered that it took two men to carry the log onto set, but for Garner, it was no big deal. Konner joked, “My note [after filming the scene] was, ‘Can you make that look easy?’ Like, it’s hard.”

Garner, giggling, explained, “I had just finished Peppermint, which is an action movie, and I was so strong when we started shooting!”

Ain’t no shame in your upper-body strength game, Jen.

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