Goat Dad Is Stealing Hearts for the Tender Way He Cares for His Family

With Father's Day upon us, there's no better time to recognize all of the dads, grandpas, and father figures who make the world a better place. That includes the animal dads, too!

TikTok viewers are gushing over @thegentlebarn's video of Merlin, the sweetest papa goat we've ever laid our eyes on. Not only is he playful and loving with his daughter, but he's also affectionate and caring toward his 'wife,' too!

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What an adorable little family! Merlin is such a doting dad, and he seems so happy and at peace whenever he's with his girls. Even people are jealous of these farm goats' loving relationship, and we don't blame them!

Over 20 thousand people have liked @caseinspace's comment about this "goat family healing my childhood trauma." It truly is therapeutic to watch these animals love on one another! Love is a universal language, after all, though some would argue that certain species are more affectionate than other.

Viewer @summergirls0323 wrote, "Goats are truly one of the most loving animals ever," and even the experts agree. A study at the Queen Mary University in London found that goats feel emotions and empathy, and can even respond to the emotions of those around them.

It's no wonder why this goat family is so close-knit, then! Merlin and his wife seem very bonded after all the time spent together, and now their daughter completes the picture. She may not be a baby goat anymore, but she'll always he his baby.

If this isn't the definition of 'Happily Ever After' for this goat dad, we don't know what is!