Goldendoodle Who ‘Failed’ Crate Training Stuns Human with Her Great Escape

Uh oh, here comes trouble. That's what one woman must have been thinking now that she's seen the chaos that her Goldendoodle can cause. The pup looks like an angel. But as a video on the woman's page shows, she has a real trickster side too.

The dog mom shared one of her dog's "bad dog" moments in a hilarious video online. 

We tend to only focus on our pups' best moments. Those are the ones that we share on social media. But let's get real, some dogs are just not well behaved and it doesn't make their owners love them any less.

Related: Goldendoodle 'Destroys' Stuffed Animal That Never Stood a Chance

The trend was simple — people on TikTok were asked to show their "bad dog" in all their glory. And boy did the Goldendoodle mama have something she could share. The clip shows her doodle escaping from her crate. Easily — too easily. It was like the dog had been preparing for this moment her entire life.

"Like how did Miss Lucki Duck do that?" the woman asked in the caption.

Sadly it seems like no one in the comments section was surprised. "The Golden Retriever is the only one who stayed put," one person pointed out. "That perfect Golden in place and the Doodle being outrageous," someone else agreed. "As an owner of a Doodle I can confirm they would 1000 percent do this," someone else teased. "My dog learned to open the door and to go back in. She gaslit me to think I didn’t lock it for months," shared one woman.

Goldendoodle Personalities

Doodles have their fans, but what are they really like as pets? Miss Lucki Duck is probably not the best example of the breed. But that doesn't mean you should avoid these pups altogether.

It should go without saying that Goldendoodles are very intelligent dogs. That's because their ancestor, the Poodle, is also very smart. This means they can pick up training pretty quickly and can read the room. On the downside, this also means that Doodles can become destructive when left on their own.

Another virtue is their playful nature. These dogs love to pal around. Doodles thrive on being active, so you'll need lots of energy to keep up with these pets. You can probably see how a Doodle's intelligence mixed with their playful nature can get them in loads of trouble. Thankfully, they can be trained and are very friendly. There's a reason why people all over the world are so in love with this breed.

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