Your Guide to Every Planetary Retrograde Happening in 2024—Remember These Dates

Retrogrades have a reputation for being annoying, chaotic, and generally unchill astrological events with the power to turn our lives upside-down. But astrological backspins are actually a very regular part of most planets’ routines each year—and if you know what to expect, then the retrogrades of 2024 don’t have to be messy. In fact, when you work with their energy instead of against it, retrogrades can wind up being helpful periods of reflection, clarification, and growth.

When a planet retrogrades in astrology, it means that it starts slowing down and moving backward through the zodiac for a temporary stretch of time (this is an optical illusion, of course—planets don’t actually switch the direction of their orbit on a whim). As a result, the matters that are symbolically governed by said planets may subsequently hit delays, mix ups, or come up for review during these periods. For example, Mercury is the planet that rules communication and timing, so that’s why its retrogrades are known for misunderstandings, missed connections, and other logistical mishaps.

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However, 2024 gets off to a cosmically fresh start, as Mercury retrograde wraps up on the evening of January 1, ushering us into a gloriously retrograde-free chunk of the year that aligns auspiciously with the New Year’s vibes. With all planets going full speed ahead, it’ll feel like we can move forward more freely on our intentions for the next few months, too. The major retrogrades of 2024 don’t start rolling in until April, at which point a new one will kick off during each month for the remainder of the year. The only planet that won’t retrograde in 2024 is romantic Venus, so we can look forward to uninterrupted progress when it comes to our relationships and values. At least we get a break somewhere!

Your Guide to Every Retrograde Taking Place in 2024

Retrogrades are nothing to be afraid of, especially if you’re privy to the where’s, when’s, and why’s of it all. Here’s everything to know about every retrograde happening in 2024.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius & Capricorn

December 13, 2023 – January 1, 2024

While the bulk of this backspin occurred in 2023, we technically spent the first 20 or so hours of 2024 with a Mercury retrograde upon us. In astrology, Mercury is all about logistics, so this retrograde period was especially messy when it came to things like holiday travel plans, social dynamics at family gatherings, or keeping shopping lists straight. Thankfully, it didn’t have a chance to throw many curveballs in this new beginning. But Mercury retrogrades more frequently than any other planet, so while this particular jaunt didn’t take up much of our time in January, we’ve still got three more Mercury retrogrades on their way in 2024. Which leads us to…

Mercury Retrograde in Aries

Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Mercury Retrograde in Aries

April 1 – April 25, 2024

After a lovely retrograde-free streak, the backspins are back—and Mercury is leading the brigade on April Fool’s Day (fitting, really). The communication planet will be in the headstrong and trailblazing sign of Aries for the duration of this retrograde, so firing off impulsive and typo-ridden texts is likely, and finding yourself in an awkward squabble over some hastily-spoken words is, too. If you move too quickly, it’ll be easy to overlook important details within personal plans or work projects. Patience is definitely a virtue to strive for during these few weeks, so do your best to keep your cool and slow your roll.

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn
Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn

May 2 – October 11, 2024

Power-hungry planet Pluto retrogrades for about five months each year, but this is a particularly momentous one for mighty Pluto—as it marks the final foray it’ll make into the sign of Capricorn for nearly 250 years. This year’s Pluto retrograde begins in Aquarius on May 2, and it’ll dip back into Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes on September 1, giving everyone a chance to subtly merge with some of the slow-burning transformations that have taken place beneath the surface over the past fifteen years. Big changes are crystallizing and we’re collectively on the brink of a new psychic journey, so do your best to purge and process your subconscious baggage.

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

June 29 – November 15, 2024

Saturn is the planet of rules, restrictions, and tough love, so its annual retrograde periods feel a lot like a cosmic reality check. Get ready for a summer of stepping up your game! When Saturn reverses its course each year, you may find that responsibilities you’ve been avoiding or life lessons you’ve been learning become impossible to ignore, forcing you to face things head on. It’s not always easy, but it can also bring loads of personal growth. If you were born with Saturn in Pisces, this retrograde is an extra important check-in, as the major themes and challenges of your current Saturn return are becoming crystal-clear.

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

July 2 – December 7, 2024

Like Pluto, Neptune is a relatively faraway planet, so its retrograde periods aren’t generally as disruptive or chaotic to people’s daily lives as some others are. However, as the planet of dreams, mysticism, and illusions, its annual backspins can catalyze a subtle but powerful period of spiritual reflection. This Neptune retrograde takes place in emotional Pisces, so it’s a good time to take off the rose-colored glasses and figure out which of your fantasies are more delusional than do-able. Getting lost in your imagination is good, but you’ve got to come down to earth sometimes to give yourself perspective.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo

August 5 – August 28, 2024

Guess who’s back, baby? Mercury stations retrograde in its home sign of attentive and analytical Virgo on August 5, so leave wiggle room in your schedule for snags during this period and be wary of losing track of little details. If you have some late-summer vacations planned, be sure to triple-check your itinerary and look out for delays. The fleet-footed planet flutters backward into Leo on August 14, which could make it difficult to fully express yourself in a way that makes you feel understood for the last couple weeks of the backspin. Don’t be too proud to apologize for a misunderstanding or ask for clarification on something you may be misreading.

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

September 1 – January 30, 2025

Uranus is the planet of innovation, inspiration, and unpredictable events, and it kicks off its annual five-month-long retrograde on September 1 in the sensual and materialist sign of Taurus. Throughout this last third of 2024 (and into the first month of 2025), take time to reflect on any shocking twists that may have taken place in your life since the start of the year. Whether it was a sudden change of heart, a groundbreaking new idea, or a curveball that shook up your plans, Uranus retrograde is a powerful period for processing such unexpected shifts so that you can integrate them into your reality as you move forward. Remember, change is good!

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini
Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini

October 9 – February 4, 2025

Abundant and philosophical Jupiter has been in quick-thinking Gemini since May, helping us take in lots of new information and expand our curiosity about the world around us. But once this lucky planet stations retrograde on October 9, you can start sifting through all these new ideas to figure out which feel most aligned with your true beliefs. While Jupiter retrogrades can be subtle, they can sometimes catalyze major paradigm shifts, pushing you to embrace new ways of thinking and look at life from a different perspective. This retrograde lasts through the first month of 2025, so it’s an energy that’ll be working in the background for the rest of the year.

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

November 25 – December 15, 2024

Mercury retrograde is home for Thanksgiving, and yes, it’s slightly overstaying its welcome! This backspin takes place in the wild and free-spirited sign of Sagittarius, so it might be challenging to keep things running smoothly as you flutter from shopping malls to holiday parties during this busy time of year. Be careful about splurging during Black Friday sales, especially if you’re on the market for electronic devices. Mercury rules technology among other logistical matters, so purchases made now may not meet your expectations or be quite the deal you were looking for. Read up on return policies and avoid spontaneous purchases! You’ll also want to be extra diligent about the details when booking holiday travel plans, as it’ll be easy to mix things up.

Mars Retrograde in Leo & Cancer

December 6 – February 23, 2025

Mercury isn’t the only personal planet retrograding its way through the holidays. Assertive Mars starts backspinning on December 6 in the bold and fiery sign of Leo and it’ll rage on through February of next year, re-entering Cancer on January 6, 2025. Mars only retrogrades every two years, and that’s a good thing, because these backspins can sometimes bring a feeling of decreased energy, low motivation, or lack of passion. It’s not always easy to get extra rest during the holiday season, but this is a good year to try embracing some of winter’s hibernation vibes. But don’t let a deflated ego push you off course! Simply remember that charging forward on new things or initiating big changes may be challenging now, so focus on recalibrating your goals and getting in touch with what’s really driving your desires. You’ll feel so much more confident and refreshed post-retrograde if you choose to reflect instead of act as you transition out of 2024.

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