What Happens If You Drink a Gallon of Water a Day? 7 Things to Look Out For

One gallon. 16 cups. It sounds like a lot, but considering that your body is made up of 60 percent water, it sort of makes sense that you'd need about that much to keep things running smoothly. Here, seven things that might happen if you drank a gallon of water every day. (And yes, we've tried it. We consulted our doctor before doing it, and so should you.)

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1. You might feel bloated...initially

If you’re suddenly increasing your water intake, you may feel uncomfortably full (especially around the midsection) to start. Don’t worry: This will subside soon, but in the meantime, sip your water slowly and steadily throughout the day instead of all at once to minimize the discomfort.

2. You will have to pee all the time

Once that de-bloating kicks into gear, you’ll be flushing out the excess sodium your body is holding onto. You’ll also be doing that other bathroom business regularly, now that your body is breaking down its food more easily. (Hello, flat tummy!) And the last bonus? Those frequent bathroom breaks ensure that you’re moving around more throughout the day.

3. You might eat less

There’s a reason why nutritionists suggest chugging a glass of water before meals. It makes you feel fuller, which keeps you from consuming too many superfluous calories.

4. You'll have better workouts

Water helps to transport oxygen and glucose through your body, so you’ll have more energy during your workout. Plus, it acts as a lubricant for your joints and muscles. Make sure to drink frequently two hours before your workout, every 20 minutes during and directly afterward to keep your body properly hydrated.

5. You might lose weight

Think about it: You’re peeing away the extra bloat, you’re eliminating waste regularly, you’re eating less and you’re working out more efficiently. While drinking more water in itself won’t make you lose weight, the positive side effects just might.

6. Your under-eye circles might (finally) go away

Under-eye bags are commonly caused by the retention of water to that delicate area. Whether it’s from eating a salty meal or a late night sob-fest, sodium is prone to pooling. Drinking more water will help flush out the excess salt from your system, which will tamp down any puffiness--even there.

7. You'll crave more water

The more you drink it, the more you’ll want it--and the less you’ll crave other not-as-great-for-you beverages. Luckily, the stuff is free, pure and as evidenced above, the absolute best for you. Here's how to drink more water.

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