“Definitely A Millennial”: People Are Sharing The Signs That Clearly Identify Millennials, And I'm Guilty Of Quite A Few Of These

Recently, I learned that the front tuck (aka when you tuck your shirt in the front but not the back) now signals to the youths that you're a millennial. I've also learned (against my will) that side parts, no-show socks (I don't get this one??), and skinny jeans are also trends that scream "MILLENNIAL!!!"

Tan France demonstrating a front tuck
Netflix / Via youtube.com

Alongside fashion trends, there are also other generational differences Gen Z loves to point out — like the millennial pause, and apparently, millennials even use emojis differently than Gen Z.

millennial using a crying laughing face and gen z picking the skull
Apple Emojis/Alana Valko

I wanted to hear directly from the source, so I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share with me, other than their age, what else immediately signals that someone is a millennial. From generational differences to trends, here's what everyone had to say:

1."They're likely a millennial when they don't react well to anyone that hasn't yet seen their favorite book series, film series, or TV show from the 1990s/2000s."

Joey from Friends pointing

2."Being absolutely terrified of being thought of as 'lazy.' I know millennials, including myself, that are simply incapable of relaxing or just not doing anything."

Emily from The Devil Wears Prada saying "I love my job"

3."Those pointed toe booties with a low heel, skinny jeans and a button up blouse with a front tuck. Usually paired with a Michelob Ultra."

A pair of skinny jeans and booties
Luc Teboul / Getty Images

4."Being a hardcore Harry Potter fan or Disney adult."

T-shirts that say "Happiest childless millennial on Earth"

5."When they ask for recommendations for something on social media like, 'Tell me your favorite Chinese restaurants' and then end it with '...okay GO!' As if everyone is rushing to give them the winning answer..."


6."My Gen Z child told me that millennials take selfies with the phone up high and Gen Z take them with the phone at chin height."

A couple holding a phone above their face to take a selfie and a woman holding her phone at face-level to take a selfie
Getty Images

7."They say 'I did a thing', or when they see a dog they call it a 'doge'."

A shiba inu dog smiling
Irina Vaneeva / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8."Putting all the states they have lived in their Instagram bio."

A screenshot of an Instagram account with the states they lived listed
Alana Valko

9."If someone is an elder millennial, they will definitely make a point to make that distinction. (Which I think is fair, since being born in 1981 vs 1995 would lead to at least two quite different technological experiences while growing up.)"

A contestant on Bachelor in Paradise saying, "I'm 37. I'm a geriatric millennial"

10. "The type of laughing emoji they use, Gen Z uses 💀 or ☠️ or 😭, while millennials use: 🤣 or 😂. Sincerely, a Gen Z."

Twitter: @g4ys0n


11."Layering a shirt over longer tank tops so the bottom of these longer tank tops hang lower than the shirt over top."

A tank top layered under a tank top


Dimitrios Kambouris / WireImage for Harrison & Shriftman

12."Charcuterie obsession. Not saying it's bad. Still delicious, but a bit on the nose."

A charcuterie board


u/Angry_Polish_bear / Via reddit.com

13. "They respond with 'No worries.'"

Twitter: @elle91


14. "They have a true crime obsession or a frequent, incorrect use of the word 'unironic' = definitely a millennial."

Twitter: @EwdatsGROSS


15."Their personalities. They're done following the status quo and are actively questioning how 'we've always done things.' They don't take any BS from anyone, refuse to back down, and are probably the best generation I (a Gen X'er) have seen."

A woman holding a megaphone and screaming into it with her mouth open

—An anonymous Gen X'er

Peopleimages / Getty Images

16."Most millennials I've met cut you off mid sentence, disrespect those that are older, and don't recognize that age is a privilege denied to many. They think that they're better than us Boomers. They are also late and don't keep their commitments."

An older woman scolding a younger woman on her phone

—An anonymous boomer

Jackf / Getty Images/iStockphoto

And lastly:

17."I'm at that weird cusp being born in '96 so I'm either a young millennial or old Gen Z. But something I definitely do that other millennials do is still quote Vines. Like I'm sorry but Vine was waaayyyy better than TikTok because it was 'show don't tell,' so you had to make more of an impact in those short few seconds. TikToks go on unnecessarily long for usually the stupidest shit. You better believe anytime I see a road work ahead sign I'm saying 'Uh yeah I sure hope it does.'"

A sign that reads "Road work ahead" from the popular vine

—An anonymous Zillennial

Vine/YouTube / Via youtube.com

Of course, every generation has their own quirks and grievances with each other — so tell me, what identifies Gen Z? Boomers? Gen X? Sound off!