Hello, Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in Virgo Is Here

the moon turning into the earth
Your Horoscope for the Full Moon in VirgoGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go. The Full Moon in Virgo on February 24 is an astrological prompt to reminisce about how much you've grown. Following Western astrology, these new and complete Moon guides are monthly reminders to set and review your intentions. Your horoscope is a rudimentary prompt for self-reflection.

Slow down. You can aim for perfection if it pleases you. You can attempt to fulfill every requirement, cross every t, and dot every i. Bend, break, and contort yourself if you believe it will bring you joy. Enjoy cutting the edges of your personality and suppressing your multifaceted self to curate an image that you think will be accepted. Once you’re done, you can ctrl, alt, delete everything that makes you human. Are you comfortable with lying to yourself? Or are you afraid of the truth?

On February 24th, 2024, at 7:28 AM EST, the Moon in Virgo will oppose the Sun in Pisces, forming the Full Moon in Virgo. You may want to disconnect, but this astrological transit calls for you to wake up, lover. The Moon represents your drives and motivations, and it opposes the planets Mercury, which represents communication, and Saturn, which represnts restriction. Pisces is the latest and therefore "eldest" sign of the zodiac, and it represents the pool of ancestral wisdom that guides and influences our choices. With the Full Moon forming a conjunction with wild Lilith, you are being called to brave the forbidden. Life is a collection of choices. Mistakes are inevitable, and there is no breathing without sacrifice. Who are you willing to sacrifice for? I hope you learn to choose yourself.

More horoscopes, right this way:

Your horoscope for the Full Moon in Virgo

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you're maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to care for your inner child (no one is perfect). If you find your horoscope helpful, please share it and tag me on social media @MonishaHolmes.


Aries, your skills will shine through when you make space for yourself to be less than perfect. Let go of the idea that you have to accommodate everyone. You can gain plenty of wisdom from your own experiences. Living as though people are in your head, telling you what you should and shouldn’t do, is exhausting. Focus less on the outcome and more on the process.


Taurus, are really you having fun if you’re overanalyzing how you enjoy yourself? During this Full Moon, you should focus on investments. Maybe hold off buying a new toy until you can justify the cost. But if there is something you know you need to do to get back to the center, invest in yourself! We all need breaks, and when you begin treating yourself well, you’ll find your energetic battery will become charged and ready to go.


Gemini, allow yourself to enjoy stillness within your current home. Yes, things come together and fall apart; however, there's no use in worrying too much about the next fall. As snow melts and new growth comes in the spring, enjoy being present and in the moment. You may feel some social pressures to know your next steps. However, patience exists because processes usually take longer than we anticipate.


Cancer, being introspective is a gift. But being introspective to the point that you overanalyze yourself and where you come from is unfair to you. Don’t you remember? We’re all so weird! You might feel like your inner child is opposing other people’s outer adults. In actuality, what you’re feeling is a bit more complex. Focus on appreciating who you’ve grown to be. In this case, it is that simple.


Leo, you know what you like and what you believe in. You understand that what glitters isn’t always gold, and you know that there’s no need for your wood floors to sparkle. You’ve grown to understand the value of what gives you a sense of safety. How you justify what you hold near to you is based on your skills and experiences. There is no need to overthink or overanalyze your choices, Leo. Trust yourself and your investments.


Virgo, need some lip balm? I can only imagine biting down on your lips has to cause some bruising. Do you think they are becoming dry from a lack of moisture, or from your unwillingness to speak your truth? I can appreciate sitting by the sidelines and observing where other people are coming from and how they’ve reached where they are. But you have a story to tell, too, Virgo. Start sharing, or at least trust that where you are right now is a temporary fixture in your more significant journey. You do not need eminence to provide value to the conversation.


Libra, the worst part about getting lost in your logical mind is that it’s a surefire way to lose sight of your intuition. Intuition is usually quick and fleeting. When you have an experience in which your intuition speaks with you, it’s as if you are confident without much rhyme, reason, or rationale. You just know the answer, even if you can’t quite figure out why. But knowing the answer is sometimes all you need. Settle your worries and enjoy the journey.


Scorpio, stop overthinking your friendships—wow, it feels nice to tell y’all that. You may peep some potential or anticipate words left unspoken. Babe, let them be left unstated. Controlling the outcome and trying to predict the future is the worst! You are exactly where you are right now because that’s all you’re ready for. Enjoy the process and focus on connecting with those who matter to you. Allow other people the space to speak up on their own time.


Sagittarius, babe, sweetheart, honey. Leave that email in the drafts, and let that company reach out to you. If you want to control something, how about you consider beefing up your LinkedIn and updating your resume? You probably have a lot to humble brag about, and until you actually start speaking up where it matters, then you’re going to continue missing out on great opportunities.


Capricorn, you probably know what you’re talking about. I get it—sometimes it sucks when the world makes you feel like you're not enough of an expert to have a strong opinion. But you very much know what you’re talking about when you’re speaking your truth. Stop letting the haters make you doubt yourself, and take a spoonful of self-esteem. Even if you’re a little bit wrong, at least you’re going to learn from the experience!


Aquarius, vulnerability comes from just opening your mouth and talking. Stop overthinking the heartache, rejection, or potential shame that can come from sharing your truths. You don’t know the outcome, and real talk, you’re robbing yourself of connection by keeping to yourself! Chill your fears and let your emotions do the driving. Your thoughts are like Siri: They can’t be what drive you—unless you want to experience a bunch of anxie-tea. ☕


Pisces, just go with the connection! You have no idea what someone will be in your life until you allow them the opportunity. There is no need to overanalyze, criticize, or harshly judge how a person shows up. Just let them be and continue to be in your life. The more judgements you project onto a person without inviting them into a conversation, the more you push them away.

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