Hello, your sex and love horoscope for the weekend is here

Your sex and love horoscope for the weekend Hearst Owned

What’s happening: today, Mercury is linking up with optimistic Jupiter, and tomorrow, the Sun enters Pisces, kicking off Pisces season 2023. Venus and powerful Pluto connect on Sunday, and on Monday, Venus enters spicy Aries. Mercury squares off with Uranus, the planet of chaos, on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, Mercury harmonises with Mars.

What that means for your star sign


This weekend is great for putting yourself out there, Aries! Jupiter in your sign makes you more extroverted and charismatic, and Mercury’s good vibes are helping attract tonnes of new people your way. Venus enters your sign on Monday, basically turning you into a total babe magnet. People can’t keep their eyes off of you, and you can count on getting some action very soon!


If you’re single and ready to mingle, this weekend’s astro is perfect for you. Pisces season’s vibes make you more charismatic, so making new connections is easy, and Venus’ influence is perfect for romance. That all changes on Monday, unfortunately, when Venus enters Aries. This transit means making any moves in your love life is a big no-no right now. Don’t expect much to go on, and keep your eyes peeled for your ex!


Are you ready to commit? If you are, this weekend’s astro is amazing for defining the relationship! Plan a super special date, really wow your partner, and pop the question —they’ll almost certainly say yes! If you’re single, Venus entering Aries on Monday means that your love life is heating up. People are naturally more drawn to you, and your already expert-level social skills are even better now, so finding your next potential boo will be easy.


This is a pretty major week for your love life, Cancer. You’ve been wrapped up with someone for a while now, and things have been steadily developing. It’s about time you upgrade your relationship status! If you’re just thinking about asking someone out, Sunday’s astro helps you feel more motivated and eager to shoot your shot. But if you’re thinking about seriously upgrading your relationship — I’m talking proposals, moving in together, etc. — wait ‘til Monday, when Venus enters your chart’s midheaven.


You and your S/O are arguing a lot lately. You seem to be butting heads more often than not, and…it’s not a great situation. Here’s the problem, Leo. You’re getting bored. When people in relationships get bored, they fight, they act out of pocket, and they sometimes cheat, and while you might be tempted to do one/all of these things, that’s not the move. My advice? Shake things up in a fun, productive way. Surprise your partner and bring them flowers at work, or buy them a gift, or take them on a little adventure, or get more kinky in bed and really blow their mind. You gotta get your relationship out of this rut!


Pisces season = cuffing season for your sign, Virgo, so starting this Saturday, you’re starting to get way more action! Sunday’s your luckiest day in love, and whatever changes you want to make to your love life, you can initiate them now. Venus and powerful Pluto are hooking up, giving your words and actions great power, so this is definitely your golden opportunity to shoot your shot and make some moves!


Your love life is picking up speed, Libra! This weekend is über lucky in love — your chart’s zone of relationships and zone of romance, sex, and fun are both being activated with lucky Jupiter’s influence, so you’re all but guaranteed to experience a hot, exciting connection! Pisces season makes life at work busier, but Venus entering your chart’s relationships zone on Monday says that you’ll still have plenty of time to focus on romance.


After a long, drawn out Aquarius season, Pisces season is finally here to make life exciting again! This Pisces season is lighting up your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun, so whether you’re happily coupled up up or single as hell, your love life is definitely getting more action now. What you need to remember most is that your words contain great power on Sunday, so that’s the best day to ask someone out or define the relationship. Side note: If you’re already coupled up and your relationship isn’t in the best shape, Tuesday’s astro suggests a big fight could break out. Try to keep your cool!


There are lots of astrological flags popping off in your chart, and they’re ALL suggesting that your love life is getting very, very busy this week. Friday’s a great day for all the single Sagittarians out there — Mercury and lucky Jupiter hooking up make you more extroverted and charismatic, so finding someone sexy to have some fun with will be a breeze. Venus enters your chart’s zone of romance, sex, and fun on Monday, too, so you’ll be making loads of magic happen for the next few weeks!


You’re known for being intellectual and a hardass, but Pisces season is helping you smooth out those rough edges and make deeper, more meaningful connections with your special someone. This weekend’s astro is great for romance and sweet-talking your s/o, and if you’ve been wanting to ask someone out, this is a great time to shoot your shot.


Across the board, you’re experiencing a bunch of nice, easygoing astro in regards to your love life right now, Aquarius. This Friday’s great for meeting new people, thanks to lucky, optimistic Jupiter’s influence, and Venus entering Monday on Aries means that making new connections will be much easier for the next few weeks. Maybe you’re just looking for sex — great! Mars is firing up your libido on Wednesday, and Mercury’s influence helps you pick the perfect words to say to pick up someone sexy!


Friday’s pretty meh, but Saturday is the beginning of Pisces season — happy birthday! Right out the gate, Sunday’s astro is helping you to find yourself a birthday boo. Venus in your sign makes you irresistible to others, and it’s linking up with powerful Pluto, making you even more magnetic. It’ll be a breeze finding your next date/hookup. Watch out for your ex on Tuesday, though. It looks like they’re looking for drama, so if they come at you sideways, don’t be afraid to just block ‘em.

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