Hello, Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Is Here

two hands are placed over a tarot card spread over a full moon
Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, by Zodiac SignHearst Owned

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


ace of cups tarot card
Hearst Owned

The Ace of Cups is a beautiful card about new beginnings. Think: Starting a new romance, rekindling the spark in a current relationship, making a new friend, welcoming a new family member, adopting a pet, accepting a new job, or starting a new creative project. Be on the lookout for people opportunities that feel exciting and authentic. Follow your heart and trust your gut. Whatever you begin this week is likely to bring you joy and success in the future.


the tarot card the page of swords, showing a hand holding out a golden pen in front of a diamond
Hearst Owned

Stop overthinking it. Commit! The Page of Swords is a brings hot-and-cold energy, which is counterproductive because people can’t support you if they don’t know where you stand. Make your mind up and stick to it. When you do this, you’ll find your opportunities flowing again. Make a choice.


three of wands tarot card
Hearst Owned

It’s a spontaneous week, Taurus, which is not always your favorite vibe. The Three of Wands asks you to keep the schedule relatively clear because lots of random invitations and opportunities are going to emerge. Say "yes" to everything you can. Life needs a little shakeup now and then.


justice tarot card
Hearst Owned

Justice is a powerful card about doing the right thing and being rewarded. Karma is watching! Carry on behaving well this week, Gemini, and if you’ve been up to no good… stop! Maybe you’ll be proven right on something, too. If so, resist the urge to say "I told you so."


the ten of swords tarot card, showing a hand holding up ten golden pens
Hearst Owned

The Ten of Swords has a sharp edge. The presence of this card means you need to cut off someone or something toxic in your life. Don’t stick around, making excuses, hoping it will get better. This is not going to improve. And the longer you stay here, the worse it will get. Time to remove yourself from this situation. Don’t stay anywhere that feels wrong. Look after yourself, Cancer.


the tarot card the knight of pentacles, showing a golden clock
Hearst Owned

Work hard, Leo. Put the hours in. The Knight of Pentacles is the tarot’s hardest worker, persisting against all odds. What you’re working on is worthwhile and your efforts will be rewarded. Time to block out distractions and focus. The progress you make this week will get you through the most difficult part of this project, and you will find yourself heading into an easier phase.


four of swords tarot card
Hearst Owned

Virgo, chill. Walk away from the drama. The Four of Swords is the tarot’s "sick note" and it shows up when we’re in danger of burnout. Everything is getting a bit much and you need a time-out to regain perspective, rejuvenate, and recalibrate your ambitions. You can only do that when you have some space, so make that happen.


the tarot card the four of pentacles, showing two hands holding up a clock with three more below them
Hearst Owned

Stop doing what you always do, Libra. It's time for a change. Same behavior = same results. The Four of Pentacles is a "shake it up" card, urging you to act in a new way instead of falling into old habits and patterns. You’ll know what this is about, because you feel stuck someplace. Wherever that is, make this week the turning point.


the tarot card the hierophant, showing half of a woman's face next to a diamond
Hearst Owned

Rebellion is no stranger to you, Scorpio. You enjoy testing boundaries and breaking others’ rules. The Hierophant sees you on the other side this week, protecting something close to your heart, something that represents a structure or status quo you have come to rely on. It could be related to family, community, or spirituality. Stand up for your beliefs, but also acknowledge that not everyone agrees with them. Find a middle ground.


the king of cups tarot card, showing a golden goblet on a starry background with a full moon and crown shaped diamond behind it
Hearst Owned

Although you can be brutally honest and even tactless at times, people tend to confide in you because you’re also warm, non-judgmental, and philosophical. The King of Cups sees you playing therapist to others this week (and enjoying it). You don’t need to offer advice, you just need to listen and show some sympathy. Don’t absorb any negativity, but let them pour their hearts out. This is where you’re needed this week.


the tarot card the six of pentacles, showing six golden clocks falling from one hand into another
Hearst Owned

Kindness is everything, Capricorn. People don’t always remember what you did or said, but they remember how you made them feel. Spread kindness this week The Six of Pentacles reveals that this good energy will get returned to you down the line. You’re building up good karma—keep going.


the tarot card the hanged man, showing a hand reaching down to hold onto a full moon inside a golden picture frame
Hearst Owned

The Hanged Man reveals that you’ve been struggling with a frustrating period of stagnation recently. You are naturally very forthright, active, and assertive, so waiting for stuff to happen really get on your nerves. Maybe you’ve acted out a little. It’s okay. The key to progress is to shift your perspective and see things from another angle. Sit back and try to see things differently. What changes?


five of pentacles tarot card
Hearst Owned

Sometimes we all feel sad for no discernible reason. The Five of Cups sees you feeling a bit like that this week. You can’t put your finger on WHY this mood has fallen…but it has. Don’t worry. It will pass by just as quickly. Go ahead and cry, write a sad poem, and talk to a friend. When you release your feelings, they feeling so heavy and you can move on.

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