Here's a recipe for a tasty grain bowl

EVANSVILLE - You’ve probably heard the term “grain bowl” when it comes to healthy eating. If you think it sounds like a boring lunch, think again.

Imagine a wide bowl of savory cooked whole grain covered with fresh or roasted vegetables, fruit, beans, seeds toppings and homemade dressings. It’s a vibrant, colorful, exciting meal.

Grain bowls can showcase a few veggies from the the fridge or from the garden, and they are very cost effective! Here’s how to put one together.

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The grain

Start with your favorite grain, and then try some new ones. Quinoa is a highly nutritious choice, or you can use brown rice or wild rice, buckwheat, whole wheat berries or steel cut oats, bulgur, millet, barley or others. Many grains, such as quinoa and buckwheat, can be effortlessly prepared in a rice cooker. Just follow directions on the package and season lightly with salt. Grain bowls are served cold so ingredients can be cooked in advance.


Beans and legumes add even more fiber and protein to your dish. Chick peas and black beans are common in grain bowls, as you can just grab a can and give them a rinse. If you have a little time, tossing the chick peas with olive oil and spice and giving them a roast until they are crisp adds more texture and flavor. Thawed frozen edamame are great too, and we love lentils, especially because they cook in 30 minutes with no soaking. The French green or black Beluga types hold their shape better than regular brown lentils. You can add them plain, or toss with a little salt and dressing of your choice.

Our grain bowl contained quinoa, chick peas, lentils, a tomato and cucumber salad, roasted sweet potatoes, avocado, arugula and garlic and chile oil with lemon for squeezing.
Our grain bowl contained quinoa, chick peas, lentils, a tomato and cucumber salad, roasted sweet potatoes, avocado, arugula and garlic and chile oil with lemon for squeezing.

Fresh veggies and fruit

Include salad greens, shredded cabbage or kale, microgreens, fresh or pickled beets, avocado with lime juice, any chopped raw vegetable, halved grapes, berries, chunked apples or pears. Dried fruit works very well also. Just choose a wide variety of colors for the most vitamins and other nutrients.

Cooked veggies

Roasted sweet potatoes are a great inclusion on a grain bowl, as are roasted cauliflower and brussels sprouts. Blackened and peeled red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, grilled or marinated mushrooms, and grilled asparagus are all good choices.


Nuts and seeds are toppings for rice bowls, as they add protein as well as flavor and texture. Roasted crunchy soy beans are particularly good, as are pumpkin and sunflower seeds and crunchy toasted whole almonds.


Your favorite salad dressing will be fine for your grain bowl, but we like to heat a little pan of olive oil with lots of garlic and dried red chile flakes in it just until the garlic is soft, then let diners drizzle their own bowl with as much as they like, then add salt and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

Does it have to be vegan?

Nope. You may opt to include boiled egg, cheese, a yogurt dressing, tuna, salad shrimp or crab, cubed chicken or turkey, or another animal protein. It’s on-theme if you keep it clean and don’t use highly processed ingredients, but if your soul needs you to throw in pepperoni to make it appealing, go for it. It’s your grain bowl.

Our grain bowl

In our grain bowl we included quinoa, chick peas, cooked black Beluga lentils, a cherry tomato and cucumber mixture with lemon juice and salt, shredded carrots, arugula, roasted sweet potatoes and avocado dressed with lime juice. To the side we offered lemon for squeezing and olive oil with garlic and red chile. Below, we'll included a recipe for garlic and herb vinaigrette for your drizzling pleasure.

Garlic and herb vinaigrette recipe

Makes just over a half cup or enough for 4 grain bowls


  • 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons garlic, minced

  • 1 teaspoon dry thyme leaves

  • 1 teaspoon dry oregano leaves

  • Black pepper to taste

  • 2 tablespoons wine vinegar, red or white

  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

  • 2 tablespoons shallot, minced

  • ½ teaspoon salt or more to taste


1. In a small skillet, heat the olive oil with the garlic, thyme, oregano and pepper to taste just until oil is warm enough to make the garlic begin to sizzle. Immediately put it in a bowl and permit to cool.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the vinegar, mustard, shallot and salt. Add cooled oil and mix gently. Don’t overstir or olive oil may become bitter. Toss with salad ingredients.

This article originally appeared on Evansville Courier & Press: Recipe for a grain bowl with garlic and herb vinaigrette