'I'm Wearing a Ring Because I'm a Girl T-Rex'—Mom Hilariously Reenacts Things Her Child Says

What started as a small personal activity quickly turned into a big source of joy for so many viewers.

<p>Parents/Courtesy of Kelly Vrooman</p>

Parents/Courtesy of Kelly Vrooman

Fact checked by Sarah ScottFact checked by Sarah Scott

I’ve often thought about writing down the weird, wacky, wonderfully creative things my children say. There’s just something about kids’ developing brains and the things they come up with. As memorable as their little quips are, I know I’ll never fully remember them unless I note them down somewhere.

But one mom is taking it a step beyond simply jotting down cute quotes—she’s making hilarious reenactment videos built around the things her 4-year-old says.

Kelly Vrooman, a mom, writer, and comedic actor, decided to turn her daughter’s hysterical musings into dramatic readings, which she posts to her audience of 78k Instagram followers and 65k TikTok followers.

It all started about a year ago when Vrooman posted a video of herself dramatically acting out her then 3-year-old’s comments, including gems like “I’m not a doctor, I’m not a nurse…I’m an airplane” and “I’m this baby’s grandma. I’m babysitting her. Her name is Target Gift Card.”

That very first video went viral with more than 2 million views.

Vrooman tells Parents she originally decided to make the videos for herself as a way to challenge her acting chops and remember the funny stuff her kid says. She never expected them to garner such a large audience.

“My husband and I started texting each other like ‘did you hear what she said this time?’ and I started making just a note on my phone of the funny things,” Vrooman says.

She adds that once her videos started to take off and she started connecting with other parents online, it became an affirmation that she needed to keep making them.

One of Vrooman’s videos has over 5.6 million views on TikTok—but as for Vrooman’s personal favorite? That would be a video featuring her acting out her daughter’s take on what various jobs look like.

If you're wondering if Vrooman’s daughter actually says every single thing that's acted out in these videos, the answer is yes. Vrooman assures audiences that she uses her daughter's words “verbatim.”

But Vrooman's daughter isn’t just the inspiration behind these videos, she’s a fan and a part of the whole production as well. Vrooman says she helps her mother film the videos at times.

“She thinks they’re very funny," Vrooman says. "She’s complimented that I use her words. If I had any sense that it was bothering her, or she felt embarrassed, I don’t think I would be able to do it anymore.”

"I just didn’t realize how joyful of a thing it was going to be for others."

Kelly Vrooman

Vrooman points out that making the videos has trained her to be a sharper listener to her kids, which has naturally caused her to be more present when she's with them.

Right now, Vrooman's videos feature only things that her 4-year-old says, but the creator imagines she could venture into being creative with her younger child’s remarks at some point as well.

“I have a 2-year-old who is a ham,” she says. “As soon as his sentences start making more sense, I’m sure I’ll start doing some of his stuff.”

Despite Vrooman's busy schedule as a mom and full-time gig worker, she intends to continue making these videos because they bring so much joy to her and to others.

“[I love] to read the comments and know that it either takes people back to when they had kids or [reminds them of things] they said when they were younger,” Vrooman explains. “I just didn’t realize how joyful of a thing it was going to be for others. It has been a really beautiful thing.”

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Read the original article on Parents.