The Internet Is In A Massive Debate Over This Cake & We Don’t Know Who’s Right

cake slice
People Are Feuding Over What Piece Of Cake Is BestLucy Schaeffer

Yet another intense food debate has just surfaced on the internet, and this time it involves cake. But what is it about something as sweet and innocent as cake that has people arguing so much? Well, my friends, that would be which slice is the best one.

The Delish Instagram account asked users "Which Piece of Cake Is Superior?" accompanied by a photo of sheet cake cut into slices. There ware two corner pieces, a center piece, and an edge piece. To help folks choose their preferred slice, each of the slices was labeled A, B, C, or D.

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Let's just say people were more than eager to share their thoughts. Since being published yesterday, the Instagram post has received nearly 4,000 comments!

Although the answers are pretty divided, it seems that most people chose their slice based on their icing preference.

"A, always. Give me that frosting and everyone else’s too," one person wrote.

Another commenter chimed in with "D… balance of icing and cake. Not overpowered by icing and moist cos it’s in the middle."

And then there was one person who would just have a friend eat their extra icing. Well, that's certainly one way to do it.

"D still has too much icing. I need an A friend who will be willing to eat most of my icing," they wrote.

There were also a few buttercream aficionados who formed their answer around the type of frosting on the cake.

"Depends on the frosting because there is only one that beats the rest and that is buttercream. If it’s buttercream then A, if it’s not throw the cake away," one person wrote. Harsh!

Scroll through the comments to see how the debate played out. What piece of cake will you be reaching for?

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