Jada Pinkett Smith’s Ab Workout Will Work Every Inch of Your Core

Photo credit: James Devaney - Getty Images
Photo credit: James Devaney - Getty Images

From Prevention

Jada Pinkett Smith has the secret to her impressively ripped abs: plank workouts. The ultra-fit 47-year-old recently posted one of her killer ab routines on Instagram from celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins-and let's just say, you'll feel it more than just in your abs.

As Smith puts it, "THIS! Whooped my a**! Try it! It’s a GREAT routine and you don’t need a gym!" Want to try the workout yourself? Good news: You don't need any equipment-just a solid wall behind you.

Wall Mountain Climbers

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart away from a wall with your back facing it. Place your hands on the floor with your shoulders stacked over your hands and wrists, just like you would with a traditional plank. Walk your feet up the wall, keeping your shoulders and hands stacked. With your core tight, drive one knee to the opposite elbow and then repeat on the other side.

Wall Plank Toe Taps

How to: Keeping your hands on the floor with your shoulders stacked over your hands and wrists in plank position, tap one toe to the ground and then repeat on the other side.

Lateral Plank Walk

How to: In plank position, simultaneously step your left foot and hand to your left. Then, step your right foot and hand to your left. Repeat, alternating sides.

Oblique Knee Drives

How to: Starting in a plank position, drive one knee to the opposite elbow to touch your hand and then repeat on the other side.

Plank Walk Up with Burpee

How to: Start in a plank position facing the wall, about an arm-length away. Put one hand on the wall while the other hand stays on the ground. Once you feel stable, put the other hand on the wall and then walk one hand back down to the floor followed by the other hand. Jump your feet forward so you're in a low squat and then jump straight up, exploding from your heels. Avoid rocking your body side to side by keeping your core tight as you do the plank walk up.

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