Jones Soda Co Debuts Super Potent THC Line Mary Jones

Today, the world of marijuana-infused edibles has evolved way past DIY box mix brownies. From high-end gourmet cannabis cookbooks to carbonated beverages, products like weed-infused drinks offer an exciting and buzzy alternative to alcohol. Famous soda company Jones Soda Co even announced their own infused sodas, available in fan-favorite flavors like Root Beer, Green Apple and Orange & Cream with a 10mg dosage. The adapted drinks taste identical to the original Jones Soda and are also sold in glass bottles with a carrier. And just like their iconic predecessors, they use customer-submitted photos on the labels.

This week, Jones Soda Co has expanded their product line with a new high dosage, 100mg cannabis-infused soda in a 16oz, child-resistant can rather than the 12-ounce bottled drinks at a lower dose. Their past infusions were capped at 10mg, which can provide a nice, heady buzz for those with a low to moderate tolerance, but may not do much for more experienced consumers for having a higher tolerance. Still, 100mg can pack a punch even for the most seasoned stoners, so it’s recommended to wait between sips and go with the “low and slow” method. A single can may also be split between multiple people, making this ideal for people looking to get blitzed without all the sugar.

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The response to these super-sized drinks has been positive, especially from those looking for a stronger psychoactive alternative to alcoholic beverages. Despite the higher level of THC, perfectly formulated, the nostalgic flavor is the same as the 10mg offerings, which is another bonus.

Marketed to more mature cannabis consumers, this high-dosage option is sure to be a hit in other legalized states like New York and Colorado, and we can’t wait to see where Mary Jones products are available next. The brand also plans to launch a high-dosage cannabis tincture that can be mixed with your drinks and carbonated, low-dose candy tablets.

Currently available at California dispensaries, you can head to the store finder page at to check out all the locations the drinks are sold at. Whether you’re new to the world of cannabis or a years-long consumer, these sodas are worth a try in all different dosage options. We can’t wait to see what products are released next and if the brand will utilize CBD, or implement full-spectrum ingredients in their beverages.

Cannabis-infused drinks offer more of a sophisticated social opportunity than other edibles, as entertaining as sitting around with other adults and munching on some brownies sounds. However, it’s important to note that consumers should stick with THC-only drinks and not mix these cannabis beverages with alcoholic ones. If you live in a legal state, consider picking up a Mary Jones pack for your next gathering and crack open a cold one.



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