Just a perfect video of Zac Efron getting SO MANY KISSES from a puppy

Who needs a movie trailer when you have a puppy, Zac Efron, a puppy kissing Zac Efron, and Zac Efron’s biceps? Not Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising, which hits theaters May 20.

The anticipated sequel to Efron and Seth Rogen’s surprise comedy hit of 2014 does, of course, have an official trailer, but on Saturday the film’s 28 year-old star posted an Instagram video that is so weird and funny and just, so so cute, it is alluring enough to convert the unsuspecting viewer in a ticket-buying movie theater attendee.

“Oooh, who loves ADR for Neighbors, Neighbors 2?” the actor coos to the puppy as it licks his face. The video then cuts to Efron recording what his caption calls “the most important lines” in the film, “free weed, free weed,” he shouts over and over again.

Another reason why the Neighbors star’s Instagram post is solid promotion for the forthcoming sequel? His biceps are noticeably larger than in his recent films Dirty Grandpa and We Are Your Friends. In fact, he’s starting to look like a full-fledged body builder and he has none other than the great Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to thank for his refined physique. Efron recently admitted that he uses his Baywatch co-star’s social media accounts for a little kick anytime he needs gym motivation.

“This guy motivates you to work out,” Efron recently told a reporter from Entertainment Tonight. “I started following him on Instagram. He’s an animal!”

Cyberstalking your fitspiration? Celebrities: they’re just like us! Except possibly with better access to puppies.

The video ends with the puppy back in Efron’s arms, the two still lovingly embracing.

“Who loves it?” Efrron asks the puppy. “Do you love ADR? I love ADR!”