Just 10 Minutes of Working Out Could Save Your Life

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10 Minutes of Working Out Could Save Your Lifefilo - Getty Images

You don’t need us to tell you that exercise is important. Even still, fitting in a workout can be tough— especially when you take into account the national physical activity guidelines that suggest two strength-training days and 150 minutes of weekly moderate-intensity aerobic activity. So, when news of a new study came out that even just 10 minutes of activity a day could literally save your life, we were all ears.

Yup, 10 Minutes Really Counts

The research, which was published in JAMA Internal Medicine and included 4,840 adults who exercise regularly as well as those who are more sedentary, “estimated that if all adults in the U.S. over age 40 increased their activity by 10 minutes each day, about 110,000 deaths could be prevented each year,” explains Pedro Saint-Maurice, PhD, lead study author and epidemiologist in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health.

Doing even more, say 20 or 30 minutes of exercise, extended the health benefits, cutting back on 209,459 and 272,297 preventable deaths, respectively. But the advantages aren’t just for the over-40 set. Saint-Maurice says the research projected similar benefits for men and women, Mexican American, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic white adults of various ages.

Maximize Your Minutes

Need a little extra motivation to get out there and sweat? Beyond extending your life, it will make you feel a lot better. While this is a little obvious, it’s worth the reminder: “As we age, we tend to lose muscle, our hormones start to change, weight creeps up if we aren’t careful, our mobility decreases, and our chances of cognitive decline start to increase,” explains Joe Holder, founder of the Ocho System and a Nike master trainer. “Literally all of this can be impacted beneficially with exercise.”

Holder suggests thinking about these little short activity sessions as “exercise snacks” to make them feel less daunting. And rather than trying to find time, think about things you already do that you can add movement to. For example, maybe you work remotely and have a weekly update call that doesn’t require you to be chained to your laptop. Consider popping in your earbuds and taking the dog for a walk. Or perhaps you usually sit in the car and listen to a podcast while your kid is at soccer practice. Instead, listen to that podcast while walking around the field.

Already nailing a regular workout routine? Holder suggests adding in a couple more sets, making your warm-up a bit longer, or increasing your cardio by a few extra minutes. “Or you can focus on more movement outside of your standard gym session,” he says. Saint-Maurice adds that even vigorous household chores and gardening counts.

The bottom line: A longer life may be within your reach—but you are going to have to get moving for at least a few minutes a day.

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