What Kind of Chili You (Probably) Eat Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This article originally appeared on Outside

We've all heard the phrase, "You are what you eat," but did you know that your preference toward certain flavors may be a reflection of your personality? Researchers believe that several traits--extroversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism--correlate with specific food behavior, like what you may or may not like. Not everyone believes personality traits are dictated by astrology, but because it's fall and chilly winter weather is looming, we wondered what your zodiac sign said about your favorite variety of chili:


Spicy Chili

Spicy Chili
(Photo: Clean Eating Magazine)

Daring and ambitious, you refuse to take the easy route with anything, Aries. Even your chili. You like it extra spicy--and sometimes, you don't even drink water to cool your scorching tongue. (Shudder.) You're a fire sign, so of course you're attracted to the heat. People commend you for your indestructible taste buds, but don't get too big of a head. You often jump into challenges without thinking twice, but one of these days, you'll encounter a ghost pepper in your chili and get totally burned.


Black Bean Chili

black bean
(Photo: Stanislav Sablin)

You are loyal and consistent, Taurus, and always at the ready whenever someone needs you. That's why your go-to is classic black bean. You had it once a long time ago and, from then on, it's the only kind of chili you eat. Even when you're tempted by a steaming bowl of white chicken or a veggie-packed recipe, you stubbornly remain set on classic black bean. You crave consistency and calmness, and that's what no-fuss black bean chili brings you.


Three-Bean Chili

Three bean chili
(Photo: Tatiana Volgutova, Getty)

You're a social butterfly, dabbling in everything and anything, Gemini. Three-bean chili invites all the beans to the party, so you don't miss out on anything. That, after all, is your greatest fear. You're also slightly impatient, so the fact that this type is easy to make is ideal, because you're endlessly friendly until you get hangry. But be warned, you're good at juggling lots of beans at once, but at some point, something must give. Allow yourself to relax, once in a while.


Red Curry Chicken Chili

Red Curry Chili
(Photo: Clean Eating Magazine)

As a Cancer, you have many layers. Thus, you prefer a chili that's a little more complicated to make You have many moods, and this savory, slightly sweet red curry chicken chili has an abundance of flavors--coconut, red curry paste, garam masala--that appeal to you. You're also ride-or-die, so you talk this recipe up all the time, and if people talk bad about it, you can feel seriously hurt. The good thing is that Cancers are drawn to stability and routine, so when you're making this at home, you have the recipe down pat.


Pork Chile Verde

horoscope chili
(Photo: Chaded Panichsri, Getty)

Yes, Leo, you're next. We'll roll out the red carpet just for you. You prefer your chili to be creative and full of complex flavors. For this reason, you like pork chile verde, made with pork shoulder, poblano peppers, jalapenos, and tomatillos. Though it's generally recommended you follow recipes exactly, this chili allows for artistic flair (aka you can play with the spice level). You like the showmanship of making this variety, complete with all the accouterments like tortillas, thinly shaved radishes, and sour cream.


Vegetarian Chili

horoscope chili
(Photo: Westend61, Getty)

You like things a certain way--and that's usually um, perfect. Vegetarian chili requires precision in chopping the vegetables in very specific sizes so every spoonful has just the right balance of celery, onion, carrot, bell pepper, and sweet potato. You're also tuned into a modestly healthy lifestyle, so a chili packed with fiber-rich, nutrient-dense ingredients eases your digestive system and your mind. You’re governed by Mercury--the messenger of communication--so you can take a list of seemingly random ingredients and somehow make sense of them in a big, bubbling pot. Also, it's not unlike you to make big batches, so you can prep for future meals and deliver Tupperwares of leftovers to your friends and family.


Turkey Chili

Turkey chili
(Photo: Clean Eating)

You're not going to rock the boat, Libra, even when it comes to chili. You like what everyone else likes because it makes you happy to know that others are pleased. This means you end up carrying a bit too much, so of course you pick one of the thickest, heaviest chilis. You also have a hard time making up your mind about things, and chili turkey is right there with ya. It's not super spicy, but not totally mild, either.his chili means that you don't have to choose "hot" or "not" because you can have somewhere in between. Don't get us wrong--you're very artistic, but you tend to utilize creativity in private passions, but not in your chili.


Venison Chili

Venison chili
(Photo: Iamthatiam, Getty)

Dear Scorpio, you're always surprising us. You eat venison chili not only because it's delicious, but perhaps because it's less common to cook with game. And venison is often misunderstood, my mysterious one, and you are too. Sure, this kind of chili is a little different, but you just have to get to know it and you're hooked. You're also extremely intuitive, so you know venison is the next big protein source--ahead of the trends, as always!


White Chicken Chili

white chicken chili
white chicken chili

You're fueled by excitement and new knowledge, Sag, which is why you prefer the variability of white chicken chili. Everyone enjoys this chili a little differently, whether that's with andouille sausage and pepper jack cheese; bacon and sour cream; or poblano peppers and lime. And you're good with mixing and matching and trying them all. It's a good thing, too, because you’re a sign who demands to have it all.


Butternut Squash Chili

Butternut Squash Chili
(Photo: Nungning20, Getty)

You, my sweet Capricorn, are unique. That's why you're drawn to creamy, buttery, and sweet butternut squash chili. You're also ambitious, and thus want a chili that's a bit more involved-- cumin, chili powder, ground cinnamon, oregano, coriander, garlic, oh my! But you can also be a bit conservative and restrained, which is why it can be hard to break through to your relaxed center. Maybe that's why you relate so wholeheartedly with the cubes of butternut squash, which takes extra effort and cooking time to soften.


Cincinnati Chili

Cincinnati Chili
(Photo: bhofack2, Getty)

You could care less about the niceties and small talk. You just want good chili, and you don't want to wait for it. Specifically, you want Cincinnati chili--known for its sweet (there's actual chocolate in there!) and spicy notes --served atop hot dogs or noodles and sprinkled with cheese and oyster crackers. Here's the catch, though. Since you're a bit of a nonconformist, you're not eating Cincinnati chili at the famous Skyline, you prefer the secondary, lesser known Gold Star. And you will go to your grave insisting this chili is the best.


Texas Chili

As a Pisces, you absorb the emotions of others, whether it's fear, joy, pain, or hope. You also soak up flavors very well and are a certified supertaster with heightened taste buds. For this reason, you're pulled toward the classic Texas chili, made with beef chuck roast, chipotle chile, smoked paprika, coriander, and no beans. You adapt well to your surroundings and wish to blend in, so you bring this Texas classic to every cookout, where it draws a crowd you can get lost in.

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