What You Need To Know About TikTok's Viral Hawaiian Roll French Toast

plate piled with Hawaiian roll French toast
plate piled with Hawaiian roll French toast - crazydogcouple/Instagram

Hawaiian rolls are one of the absolute sweetest breads, which is just one of the interesting facts you need to know about them. You can't go wrong with using these small delights for mini-barbecue sandwiches, buffalo chicken sliders, or just plain dinner rolls to go with your meal. The versatility of these rolls makes them a fun bread to get deliciously creative with. And now there's a TikTok craze transforming these tiny pieces of sweet bread into another surprising and tasty meal -- Hawaiian roll French toast.

Making this delectable breakfast meal is simple and quick. Just prepare some French toast batter with eggs, milk, and vanilla, coat your rolls in the mix for about 15 seconds, caramelize every side of the bread with some butter in a skillet, then remove the rolls from the pan and dust them with some powdered sugar before drizzling them with maple syrup. You'll have one of the sweetest-tasting breakfast meals to start your day right. But don't settle for this clever food hack as is. Level up your Hawaiian roll French toast with these complementary toppings.

Read more: French Cooking Tricks You Need In Your Life

Top Off Your Toast With Fruit, Meat, Or Spices

Hawaiian roll French toast topped with blueberries
Hawaiian roll French toast topped with blueberries - VirginiaScharff/'X' formerly known as Twitter

Since your Hawaiian roll French toast will be as sweet as can be, you could balance it with something savory. If you'd like fresh fruit with your toast, opt for strawberries, pineapples, blueberries, or raspberries so their sour flavors give you a nice contrast to your sweet toast. For meat lovers, layer some crispy strips of bacon over your soft, sugary toast for an unbeatable combination of salty and sweet flavors.

When it comes to spices, give your toast a little fire by peppering it with pumpkin spice. You can level up that fiery kick even more by seasoning your toast with the hot chai spice mix of ginger, cardamom, allspice, cinnamon, vanilla, and cloves. If you want some spice but prefer not to add more toppings to your toast, opt for a spicy maple syrup drizzle instead of a regular one. TikTok doesn't have the only French toast hacks, though. If you'd like a heartier meal from your Hawaiian roll French toast, turn it into a delicious sandwich.

Make These Hawaiian Roll French Toast Sandwiches

Bacon, egg, and cheese Hawaiian roll French toast
Bacon, egg, and cheese Hawaiian roll French toast - ChefRichiee/'X' formerly known as Twitter

There are so many Hawaiian roll French toast recipes worth waking up for in the morning, and the breakfast sandwich options might just be among the best. Nestle some ham and cheese between your sweet toast to make a tasty Monte Cristo Sandwich. You can't go wrong with the classics, so enjoy a sausage-stuffed French toast, or make bacon, egg, and cheese French toast.

If you're hankering for a Hawaiian roll French toast sandwich later in the day, you still have plenty of delicious choices. Doesn't some crispy, juicy chicken between two soft, sweet pieces of French toasted bread sound absolutely scrumptious? Then make yourself a French toast fried chicken sandwich. Fancy a tender beef patty between your sweet toast? Try fixing up a burger with French toasted buns. There are so many ways to use your imagination and satisfy your appetite with Hawaiian roll French toast.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.