Letter to the editor: Think twice about judging panhandlers

Panhandlers. To those of us who have received much, much is expected. Have you given one thought about what your life would have to be to stand on a corner in the freezing cold or boiling heat with a cardboard sign asking for assistance? It is a crying shame that people who can afford to provide assistance will roll down the windows on their cars and embarrass those poor souls. You swear at them, tell them to get a job, etc.

There is the old trope about the person in Akron that is said to have earned more than $100,000 a year, and when he is finished on the corner, he gets into his BMW-Cadillac-Mercedes and drives away. Reminds me of the old story about the welfare queen who has nine children and drives a Cadillac.

Whenever I come across someone who believes that the fairy tale of standing on the corner is such a free ride, I tell them to quit their job, get a piece of cardboard, and find a corner. Remember, when you assist a fellow human being, it says a great deal more about you than it does about them.

Frederick L. Elsass, North Canton

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Think twice about judging panhandlers