Listen Now! Fourth of July boating, red snapper season, python hunting with Ed Killer

How many of you are planning to go out on the water to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July?

There aren’t many places better to watch the sky light up on our country’s independence day.

You’ll most likely be heading out on your boat while it’s still light out. But when the fireworks are over, you — and everyone else — will be heading out into the pitch black to make your way back to your canal docks, or the berths and boat ramps from which your boats were launched.

This can be rather chaotic. It can also be a time where accidents happen.

As a safety reminder, use your anchor lights when at anchor, it's the law. You don’t want anyone running into your anchor line because they couldn’t see it.

Use spotlights to locate unlit channel markers and other obstacles to navigation in our waterways.

And be sure to have a designated boat operator who will abstain from alcohol. You don’t want a BUI.

Those are all tips that come from my old friend Ed Killer, outdoors reporter of the Treasure Coast newspapers and

Ed’s an experienced boater who wants everyone to have a safe Fourth of July out on Florida’s waters.

Ed’s also the latest guest on “The *State* of Florida Sports Podcast.”

Thousands line the shores of the Indian River in and around Claude Edge Front St. Park in Melbourne, FL for MelBOOM, the city’s 4th of July fireworks display Tuesday, July 4, 2023.  Craig Bailey/FLORIDA TODAY via USA TODAY NETWORK
Thousands line the shores of the Indian River in and around Claude Edge Front St. Park in Melbourne, FL for MelBOOM, the city’s 4th of July fireworks display Tuesday, July 4, 2023. Craig Bailey/FLORIDA TODAY via USA TODAY NETWORK

In addition to boat safety, Ed has a big announcement: After three decades, he’s leaving the newspaper business to become the managing editor at Florida Sportsman Magazine in Stuart.

He’ll be sorely missed by our company, but he’ll still be using his expertise to help the boaters and outdoorsmen of the state of Florida.

Along with his big announcement, Ed will fill us in on the latest on Red Snapper season and hurricane season.

And we can’t forget the python hunt competition that will pay out some big bucks to those who bring back the largest snake.

We'll also drop some knowledge about actor Judge Reinhold. What does he have to do with an outdoors podcast? You'll have to listen to find out.

In the future, have no fear, Ed will always be welcomed back to talk about Florida’s outdoor scene.

If you love to go boating, fishing, hunting or anything else in the outdoor realm, then this is the podcast for you.

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Fourth of July boating, red snapper season, python hunt talk on podcast