Looking Back on "The Superbowl Of Mountain Biking" - Red Bull Rampage

One of the great cliches in this sport is to refer to Red Bull Rampage as "the Super Bowl of mountain biking." You almost can't find an article about the event without that tagline.

That being said, since the actual  Super Bowl is tomorrow, why not bring that dusty old cliche out of retirement for the weekend and look back on a few of our favorite runs from 2023's Rampage?

What stoked me personally up about Talus Turk's work at Rampage specifically was just that he is so young and still has so much time to develop as a rider. He already secured himself a spot in '24 and has so much he can improve upon to make an even deeper run on the podium - this is not so much a critique of his run than saying he still shows so much potential.

Unfortunately though, Talus took a pretty wicked slam at Darkfest the other day and will be off the bike for a little while. Based on what he said, it's just a broken collarbone and he will be back to ripping in five or so weeks. 

Better heal up soon buddy, we want to see some heat from you this summer.

Related: Red Bull Rampage Rookie Crashes Spectacularly On 100+ Foot Jump

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