Looking for love? Arizona is one of the worst states for singles. Here's why

Arizona was named the second-worst state for singles in a recent ranking.

The study, published by Spokeo, analyzed which factors are important for single people in the U.S. and compared them to the resources and assets available in each state.

Analysts included state unemployment ratios, mental health providers in the area, the number of registered voters, the cost of living and the number of romance scams among other data to determine which states align with what singles care about most.

The study found that single people are increasingly more open to discussing mental health, care about being involved in aligned social and political causes, and are sensitive to debt.

Arizona was named the second-worst state for singles in a recent ranking by Spokeo.
Arizona was named the second-worst state for singles in a recent ranking by Spokeo.

Arizona ranked 49th among all U.S. states, particularly due to its high number of romance crimes and its lack of mental health providers, according to Spokeo.

Here's why the ranking considers Arizona one of the worst states for single adults and a roundup of the best and worst states for singles in the U.S.

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Why is Arizona bad for singles?

Arizona was the state with the most romance and confidence crime victims per 100,000 residents in the United States.

It was also within the top five states with the least mental health providers per capita, according to the ranking.

According to County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, there was one mental health provider per 550 people registered in Arizona in 2023. This ranged from one provider per 2,320 people to one provider per 400 people across counties in the state, placing Arizona 46th among the states for the mental health providers category.

Arizona also ranked as the 43rd state most likely to "ghost" you, the 36th state with the highest average cost of living, and the 32nd state with the highest unemployment rates as of March this year.

The state performed slightly better in other categories. Arizona ranked 14th among the states for the share of people above 15 who have never married, and it ranked 27th and 29th for the number of formal volunteers and the number of registered voters per capita.

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The best states for singles

Here are the 10 states named the best for singles, according to Spokeo.

  1. Massachusetts

  2. Mississippi

  3. Lousiana

  4. Michigan

  5. South Dakota

  6. Connecticut

  7. Iowa

  8. Nebraska

  9. Minnesota

  10. Kansas

The worst states for singles

Here are the 10 states named the worst for singles, according to Spokeo.

  1. Florida

  2. Arizona

  3. Nevada

  4. West Virginia

  5. Idaho

  6. Texas

  7. Montana

  8. Arkansas

  9. Wahington

  10. Alaska

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: These are the best and worst states for singles