Maine Coon Kitten Tries to 'Beat His Brother Up for Milk' and It's Too Cute

Having one kitten is fun, but a litter of kittens can be a handful. Don't believe us? Take a look at a video online that shows a Maine Coon Kitten going to great lengths to get milk from his mama.

The little cat has been labeled a "troublemaker," after a hilarious clip of the siblings nursing from their mama was shared online.

Poor Mama Cat looked wiped in the clip her owner shared online. But we can't blame her. Her Maine Coon Cat kittens are a handful! Like the little one who was "beating his brother up" to get a better spot to feed. Luckily he was too small to do any real damage. The Maine Coon mostly clawed at his brother's head so that he could secure his place.

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"Acting as if there aren't eight feeding sources," his owner teased in the caption.

Luckily the comments section was completely understanding. They were too focused on how cute these little guys were. "Look at these little guys, adorable," wrote one person. "Oh congrats to the new mommy, what a joy," someone else praised. "Awwwwwww, the cute lil' ombré they have," a third commenter gushed.

How to Stop Cat Fights

These two were just playing around, but in some households there is real aggression between cats, which can lead to outright fighting. If you've noticed growing tension between your cats there are things you can do to help the issue. It's not fun, but trying to help your cats get along is very worth it.

There are lots of reasons why two cats might not get along, one of which is that one or both kitties didn't have enough positive experiences with other cats at a young age. If your cat grows agitated at a new cat in the home it can be because they're upset that their routine has changed. Cats can also be territorial — they don't like newcomers in their space.

That being said, if your cats do start fighting you should never let it "play out." That rarely ends the animosity between the two. Instead clap your hands loudly or use a water gun to break the fight up. Neutering your male cats can also help, as male cats are more prone to aggressive behavior.

Don't underestimate the value of giving your cats their own spaces in your house. Create more perches for them so that they can hide and space themselves away from each other.

If the problem still exists you might want to call in an animal behavior specialist. They might be able to help you find a way to make everyone get along.

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