Mama Orangutan Breaks Into Guy's House in Indonesia and Hilarity Ensues

A man in Indonesia recently awoke to something pretty amazing going on in the house he was renting while on holiday in Indonesia. He had a very special visitor when he woke up, and this insane video is going viral with over 32 million views.

Watch the following clip posted by TikTok user @Ash.bulla to see a gorgeous orangutan with baby in tow make herself totally at home in this rental house.

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Everyone in the comments are losing their minds because the bro in the video and his off-camera friend (or friends) refer to the orangutan as bro and he and blud when it's obvious this is a mama holding her baby but to be fair, if you wake up and there is an orangutan in your house washing their hands, stealing your soda and mopping your floor you probably aren't thinking too straight? Oh, the mopping the floor part? Here is part two of the video when this mama orangutan starts to do a little light housekeeping. Orangutans are such amazingly intelligent creatures!

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She took his soap and underwear and started mopping the floor!! It's just so incredible. @Addyourname comments, "You better tip that hard working single mom." LOL, yes! @Lost adds, "She's a single mother trying to pay rent mate, help her out." @Thelioness hilariously says, "So she washed her hands before going in your fridge ? And then cleaned up after herself?" What a good houseguest!

There is a very serious side to this incredible story, and that's wildfires in Indonesia have pushed these beautiful mammals closer to human settlements and neighborhoods because their own ecosystem is threatened.

You can learn more about the conservation efforts to save the beautiful orangutans of Indonesia here.

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