How to Master the Cozy Kitsch Decor Trend for Your Coziest Christmas Yet

This nostalgic and slightly over-the-top trend will take your holiday decor to a whole new level.

The holiday season evokes nostalgia every year, regardless of the decor trends and aesthetics of the moment. And while there’s nothing wrong with basic white string lights and evergreen garlands, it's certainly more fun to play into that feeling—and this year, it’s time to take your decor over the top.

The cozy kitsch aesthetic embraces a bright, playful, anything-goes approach and favors the haphazardly collected over the carefully curated. It leans into the warm and welcoming nostalgia of the holidays, producing a style that evokes fun and family memories. It allows you express yourself through your decor, and create a Christmas wonderland that’s all your own.

In other words, that pressure for a “perfect” holiday display and matching sets is gone, and meaningful mementos and fun finds that inspire a childlike wonder are in. While this trend can feel quite freeing, it can also be challenging to decide on decor without relying on tried-and-true design guidelines. To help you master cozy kitsch, we spoke with design experts who brought step-by-step instructions for incorporating this new and exciting look into your home this season.

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<p>David Land</p>

David Land

Why is Cozy Kitsch Decor So Popular This Year?

We’ve seen a resurgence of maximalist, more-is-more decor over the past couple of years, and the cozy kitsch trend is no exception. It allows homeowners and renters everywhere to express themselves through their interior design, even if it doesn’t match the standard.

“To me, ‘kitschy’ holiday decor is holiday decor with a fun retro vibe, usually colorful and over the top in design,” says Siobhán Alvarez, DIY expert and founder of She Shines Media. “Gone are the days of holiday decor needing to follow strict guidelines to be seen as beautiful. Now, people of all backgrounds are embracing what makes them happy, and for many of us that includes bright, bold and whimsical pieces.”

Nostalgia and vintage play a big part in bringing kitschy holiday decor to life—it takes you right back to the Christmas celebrations of your childhood. Veronica Armstrong, ArtGlo head of brand, says that the decor style is an accessible way to achieve a lived-in holiday look.

<p>Jay Wilde</p>

Jay Wilde

“Kitschy decor is popular this season because it’s a budget-friendly way to introduce sparkle into our everyday lives during the holidays,” she says. “Kitschy is universally loved because it’s reminiscent of our childhoods and all the magical memories we associate with holiday seasons past.”

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Plus, the over-the-top trend fits in perfectly with other design trends that have stolen the show—if you’ve embraced the quirky (and often kitschy) grandmillennial style, or the collected grandpa chic look, this trend fits seamlessly into your home.

How to Channel Cozy Kitsch at Home

Trying a new trend can be intimidating, but you don’t have to do a complete overhaul of your holiday decor to get this look.

“If you’re thinking of adding kitschy pieces to your own holiday decor lineup this year, the best place to start is with one or two bold pieces that bring you joy every time you look at them.” Alvarez says. “They don’t have to be big to make an impact. Once you find your own preferred style, build out your collection from there.”

Whether you want to go all-in or just start to build up your kitschy collection of holiday decorations, Armstrong has some simple steps for how you can add a little (or a lot!) of the style to your decor—no matter your normal aesthetic.

“Identify your kitschy aesthetic,” she says. “Are you a vintage lover? Are you obsessed with '80s excess? Spend some time browsing on Pinterest to nail down your inspiration before shopping. Consider a kitschy theme or mood for the season to guide your shopping.”

Adam Albright
Adam Albright

The next step: Start collecting. Since you don’t need everything to match for this eclectic trend, you don’t have to make a big investment or buy everything at once. And you'll find the most unique pieces by shopping secondhand.

“Kitschy isn’t prescriptive,” says Armstrong. “Mix and match existing pieces with newer ones. Ask friends and family whether they have holiday decor they no longer want to grow your kitschy holiday collection. Make an afternoon of thrifting with friends to find one-of-a-kind pieces.”

Don’t be afraid to take it outdoors, too. Holiday lights, tinsel, and lawn ornaments go a long way in elevating your home’s festive spirit.

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“We know the weather is frightful, but remember that holiday curb appeal,” Armstrong says. “Get kitschy with it in the front yard with oversized inflatable decor. Decorate your greenery with over-the-top gumdrop-shaped pathway lights. Drape your trees with colorful jumbo holiday lights.”

Last but certainly not least, Armstrong says the most important part of mastering Christmas kitsch is leaning into its playful aspects.

“Don’t forget the fun: if it’s not fun, it’s not kitschy,” she says. “You’ll know when you’ve nailed your kitschy holiday decor when you can’t help but smile each time you walk through your door. When you see your kitschy decorations, you should feel a sense of joy and excitement. They should bring you unbridled holiday season joy. If your kitschy decor doesn’t make you happy, then it’s not kitschy enough."

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