Meghan Markle Broke Royal Protocol by Signing an Autograph for a Young Girl

Just a standard, typical night for us. Just a cozy night. What were we doing, just roasting chicken and having. Roasting chicken. Trying to roast chicken. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] I don't think that I would call it a whirlwind, in terms of our relationship. Obviously there have been layers attached to how. Public it has become. [MUSIC] We camped out with each other under the stars and we spent [UNKNOWN] for five days out there which was absolutely fantastic. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] It's all been worth every effort. Yeah, yeah it's been great. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNKNOWN] be thick as thieves. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] [BLANK_AUDIO]

Meghan Markle is continuing to change the royal rules. After rocking a messy bun to not one but two official engagements, and even showing her collarbones in an off-the-shoulder jacket, Markle broke royal protocol on Thursday when she was greeting fans in the crowd.

The royal family is typically supposed to politely refuse giving autographs or taking selfies, but according to People, Markle did both during Thursday’s visit to Wales. The former Suits star graciously granted 10-year-old Caitlin Clark’s request to sign her autograph book, writing, “Hi Kaitlin” along with a heart and a smiley face.

“I don’t really care,” she told reporters about the misspelling. “My heart is still racing. I’ve never gotten a royal autograph before. This is going to make everyone jealous.”

Markle also posed for at least one selfie with a teen admirer, something that you won’t often see royals like Kate Middleton or Prince William do. The royal family is reportedly forbidden from giving out their signature to avoid the risk of it being forged.

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Considering Markle got her start in Hollywood, some habits could be hard to shake.

From her messy bun to his mismatched earrings and skinny jeans, the American is breathing some fresh air into the royal family.