What Will Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Name Their Baby?

Now that we’ve placed bets on Meghan and Harry’s baby’s title and birthday, we’ve moved on to the most interesting (and least predictable) of the guessing games: the name.

Naturally, bookies are already calculating the odds on various regal faves. Leading the pack are several recycled guesses from Kate Middleton’s third pregnancy, including Alice, Arthur, and Diana. BetVictor predicts that Harry and Meghan will take a sentimental approach, marking Diana (6/1), Charles (12/1), and Elizabeth (12/1) among their most likely picks.

Names we can probably strike from the running? Samantha, Thomas (Meghan’s trash-talking sister and father, respectively), Rachel (Markle’s Suits character) and Trevor (Markle’s ex-husband) …

Though there will certainly be public scrutiny of the name Meghan and Harry ultimately choose, it’s no doubt lesser than that of Kate and William’s children, who are more directly in-line to the throne. With the distance allotted, Harry and Meghan may choose a less traditional moniker … Doria, perhaps?

Only time (and the careful analysis of all possible “hidden messages” in Meghan’s maternity wear) will tell.