Mini Schnauzer Sweetly Walks to His Human Sister’s House Every Day — Rain or Shine

We know we say that pets are like our family, but one family on TikTok is taking things to a whole new level. Lexie Echols gets a visit from her baby brother pretty much every day. And by baby brother, we mean a Mini Schnauzer that her kids call "Uncle Stan."

Echols showed one of Stan's recent visits in the cutest video online.

Again, they have a very close family. So much so that Uncle Stan regularly walks from Echols' parents' house to her house all by himself.

Related: Moment Giant Schnauzer Meets a Mini Version of Himself Is Impossible to Resist

"My 'lil bro still lives with mom and dad and walks to my house every day," she explained in the caption. But of course, "he is a Mini Schnauzer."

Uncle Stan always barks to let Echols know that he's there. The Mini Schnauzer gets up to something special when he's with his big sister — she gives him treats and even takes him in the car "to run errands."

Uncle Stan immediately had a fan base in the comments section. "The politeness he has. What a distinguished gentleman," one woman joked. "He looks like he is trying to figure out why he doesn’t have a key…" another commenter joked. "I think he wants to move in," a third person suggested. "What a freeloader. Someone needs to grow up, get a job and move of their parents house," one commenter joked.

Uncle Stan Visit Daily — Rain or Shine

Stan takes his visits very, very seriously. He really loves spending time with his sister and her kids. He recently came over to his sister's house during a rainstorm.

"This sneaky boy got out and came for a late night visit in the rain," she wrote in the onscreen caption of another video.

"He is not supposed to be out at night," she said in the clip. "And it's pouring."

Welp, not exactly an ideal visit. But Echols still brought Stan inside and dried him off.

"You know mom is going to be so mad at you," she told him as she cleaned him off. Like the good sister that she is, Echols then fed him some treats and let him watch The Bachelor with her. Eventually her real brother (or should we say human brother) came over to pick Stan up.

In another video on Echols' page, Stan came to visit to show her his new hairdo.

He looked so handsome! We guess when you look good you have to show it off.

No offense to Echols' human brother, but Stan is without a doubt the best brother. After all, her real brother probably doesn't lay at her feet while she sits on the couch. Uncle Stan, you can visit anytime.

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