A Miraculous Sign Brought One Woman Peace: "It Was An Answer To Prayers!"

Woman’s World reader Kathleen Morgan asked her late father for a sign that he was with her, and he came through in a powerful way!

Kathleen’s Guardian Angel story told in her own words:

When my dad passed away 25 years ago, I took possession of his watch. It was stopped at 8:52, and the little window showing the day of the week was stopped at “FRI.”

Of course, the battery has been dead all these many years. I kept the watch in a drawer, but took it out on special occasions and wore it to weddings, graduations, etc. I knew my dad would have loved to be there with us to celebrate.

This past October, my son gifted me and my husband a dream trip to Ireland. Being of Irish heritage, my dad had always wished to visit there, but sadly never got the chance before he passed.

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Kathleen Morgan and her son RJ, who gifted her the trip to Ireland
Kathleen Morgan and her son RJ, who gifted her the trip to Ireland
Kathleen Morgan

I planned to take “him” and his watch along with us on the trip. Before we left, I said a little prayer, asking my dad to let me know he was with me on the trip by changing the watch.

I wore the watch every day as we explored Ireland. Three days into the trip, we arrived in Ballybunion, a small coastal town on the west coast of Ireland. My past genealogical research indicated that my great-grandparents came from this region.

One evening, my son and I stopped at a roadside graveyard to explore the old weathered, moss-covered Celtic crosses and grave markers. After returning to our hotel, I took off the watch (without looking at it) and went to bed.

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The next morning when I put it on again, I noticed the time had changed to 10:00, and the little window now said “VIER” instead of “FRI.” I Googled and learned “VIER” is German for the number 4. My mother’s heritage was German. She passed seven years ago. I knew then that my dad had answered my prayers by changing the watch.

My take on his message was based on the military code 10-4. “Message received. Everything’s okay. I’m with your mother. And yes, we enjoyed the trip!”

Kathleen Morgan's watch with the sign from her angel
Kathleen Morgan's watch with the sign from her angel
Kathleen Morgan

An Angel expert weighs in…

Angel expert, Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston

"Kathleen Morgan’s experience with her father’s watch is a heartwarming tale of connection across time and place," says Sunny Dawn Johnson, a global authority on the angelic realm, with a portfolio of 22 books, including popular titles such as Invoking the Archangels, The Love Never Ends, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. "For 25 years, she kept her late father’s watch, its hands frozen at 8:52, as a cherished token. On a dream trip to Ireland, which her father had always hoped to see, Kathleen asked for a sign that he was with her by changing the time — and days later, the watch changed! Our loved ones may send unique signs that would only be known to us — like Kathleen’s father’s 10-4 message. It added a layer of joy to her journey and gave her peace in her heart.” Read more of Sunny’s insightful stories here.

Do you have an Angel story to share?

Send your story, along with a clear photo of yourself and your name, address and phone number to: Angels@WomansWorldMag.com. By submitting your story, you are granting Woman’s World magazine permission to use it and your photo in the print magazine, on our website and/or in future special issue publications. Submissions may be edited for style.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.

Want to read more Guardian Angel encounters?

A Winged Visitor Comforts Grieving Daughter: “We Know It Was From Dad!”

Worried Daughter Is Filled With Miraculous Peace: “I Know It’s A Sign From Mom!”

Woman Receives Visit From Angel After Heart Surgery: “It Was an Answer to My Prayers!”