Your Monthly Love Horoscope for August 2023

Your Monthly Love Horoscope for August 2023. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Your passionate power planet Mars is rooted in organized, tidy Virgo to start the month, so you wouldn’t mind a break from the drama that usually swallows up your love life. Maybe focus on your mental health for a minute while there’s a lull in the excitement.

A productive Mars-Jupiter earth trine on August 1 helps you focus on your accomplishments and realize that maybe things aren’t quite as big of a sh*t show as you’ve been making them out to be. When you’re determined, love can be quite stable and steady.

A new moon arrives in playful Leo on the sixteenth, reminding you that love is supposed to be fun. Whether you’re totally single, dating, or in a long-term relationship, you should be happy with your choices. If you’re not smiling at least half the time, Aries, you’re doing something wrong.

Mighty Mars moves into balanced Libra and your house of partnerships on August 27, encouraging you to work things out with an ex or current or potential partner in a rational, open-minded way. When was the last time you compromised to make someone else happy?


If it’s been a while since you’ve had a W, Taurus, we’ve got good news for you. On August 1, a steady Mars-Jupiter earth trine arrives and calls out some of your recent romantic accomplishments. And they make you look surprisingly good! Be sure to add this one to your love resume!

On the ninth, a square between your leader Venus (retrograde) in egotistical Leo and Uranus in your stubborn sign could cause some intense upheaval. The longer you insist on standing your ground, especially over something trivial, the worse things get. If you’re trying to impress someone new, this isn’t the way.

Better energy arrives with the sun-Venus conjunction in charming Leo on August 13, so get ready to approach upcoming dates and other romantic situations with total confidence. Even if you’re shaking on the inside, no one would know it by the self-assured way you present yourself now.

On the twenty-eighth, Uranus goes retrograde while still traveling with your headstrong sign, giving you the chance to get out of a toxic love cycle you’ve been stuck in. Being in a troubled relationship can be like an addiction. Is what you’ve got going on healthy, or do you need to detach from a destructive routine?


August begins with a full moon in liberal Aquarius landing in your house of collective thought, encouraging you to expand your beliefs about love and what it means to you. This philosophical lunation can have a deep impact on current and future relationships. Keeping an open mind is key.

On August 9, an upbeat Mercury-Jupiter earth trine gives you visionary vibes and inspires you to get creative. If you can see something happening (like getting married or finally connecting with your crush) in your mind’s eye, you can make it happen IRL. Create a vision board and manifest that sh*t, Gemini!

The sun is starting to lose some of its warmth when it enters anxious Virgo on the twenty-third, and as memories of sizzling summer flings and hot passionate nights start to fade, you might get a little sad. Try to be happy for what was instead of unhappy about what no longer is.

At the same time, communicative Mercury is turning retrograde while in reserved Virgo, which might hinder you from being able to express your feelings. If you can’t confide in your BFF, a counselor or therapist might be able to help. It’s important that you feel heard and understood.


Your emotional leader Luna is busy this month with two full moons to keep you emotionally engaged. The first one happens in humanitarian Aquarius on August 1, giving off charitable vibes and putting you in the mood to help others. If you have an SO, fight for a cause together. If you’re single, potential love interests can be found while you’re doing something good for someone else.

A new moon in outgoing Leo arrives on the sixteenth, opening you up to new experiences that you initiate. You’re in control of what you want to do, which is empowering. You could definitely get used to this dominant feeling!

The summer sun starts to fade as it enters Virgo on August 23, the same day that Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo. This practical earth energy sobers you up for the new season ahead and warns you that it might be accompanied by challenges. Details are important now.

The second full moon of the month arrives in fellow water sign Pisces on the thirtieth, giving off magical, adventure-filled vibes. This special lunation reminds you to expect the unexpected, Cancer. Truly anything can happen now!


The sun, your vibrant cosmic guide, is in your warm sign at the beginning of the month, which means your attractiveness level is high. It’s all about you while the radiant sun is in your first house, which is exactly how you like it! Your smile is your best physical feature now.

On the thirteenth, the sun and Venus link up in your friendly sign, making it easier for you to meet new people and make positive first impressions. If you’re already in a relationship, use your charm to get your way. It works every time!

On August 15, long-term-partnership-seeking Juno also pairs up with your dramatic sign, at which point you’ll be looking for clues that someone is into you/wants to be with you forever. Remember that love isn’t always loud, Leo. Sometimes the “meant to be” signals are quiet, but that doesn’t make them any less meaningful.

A new moon arrives in your outgoing sign on the sixteenth, inviting your inner child out to play. Love and romance are fun, energetic, daring, and a little impatient during this lunation. Enjoy every minute of it.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


Explosive Mars isn’t as feisty while it spends time in your earthy sign in early August, but it can still motivate you. If you promised a special someone that you’d do something, what are you waiting for? Do it already!

On August 9, your smart leader Mercury trines expansive Jupiter and shows you ways to improve your love life. You’ll be inspired by creative ideas and suggestions from other people, but don’t feel the need to be just like anyone else. You’re unique Virgo, and your romantic actions should reflect that.

The brilliant sun enters your enduring sign on the twenty-third, at the same time Mercury goes retrograde while in your first house. These might seem like conflicting energies, but they both urge you to focus on crucial details. It might take you longer to get things done, but your ability to shut out distractions and put in the work is impressive. Use it to your advantage whenever you can.

On August 28, innovative Uranus goes retrograde while traveling with like-minded Taurus, revealing that patience is the key to solving a lot of relationship issues now. You didn’t get here overnight, so don’t expect everything to change quickly now. It’s a process.


The Aquarius full moon in your dating and romance zone on August 1 sets a fun mood for love. You’re very open-minded during this lunation, and you’re willing to look at romantic situations from a “let’s just see what happens” perspective. Who wouldn’t want to be with you now?!

The vibe changes during the retrograde Venus-Uranus square on the ninth, mainly because of unfair expectations that lead to inevitable disappointment. This is very much a “watch yourself” aspect, Libra, because you can easily step into dangerous situations that you don’t fully understand and that don’t involve you.

On August 23, the sun moves into down-to-earth Virgo and Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, setting you up to tackle relationship issues in a precise, practical way. It’s not that you don’t feel things deeply, but right now you recognize the need to use the left side of your brain. Paying attention to details is a must in all relationship-related legal matters.

Fierce Mars enters your first house on the twenty-seventh, energizing you and renewing your enthusiasm for current or potential relationships. Find new ways to get physical with your SO or date. Playing sports together can be really fun as long as you play fair. No cheating!


Your aggressive co-leader Mars is riding through detail-driven Virgo and your hopes and wishes zone early this month, which has you pondering your future options. If you don’t like where you are now, start thinking about how to make positive changes in the future. If you’re looking for love, cast a wide net. Someone in your circle of friends might know a good match for you.

On August 16, a Mars-Uranus trine gives off an influential vibe and reminds you of how persuasive you can be when you want something. It’s easy to use your charm and magnetism to draw people to you, and once they’re in your orbit, they’re compelled to stay there.

Competitive Mars enters Libra in your psychic zone on the twenty-seventh, giving you the upper hand when it comes to winning the game of love. How do you just know things, people wonder. Let them think you’re consulting a crystal ball, Scorpio. You know the key is just being quiet and listening to your strong intuitive instincts.

The second full moon of the month happens on August 30 in hopeful Pisces, encouraging you to be optimistic about what’s to come. Although you don’t usually like surprises, there’s one in store for you during this lunation that’ll make you cry. In a good way.


Consider yourself lucky in love when a Mars-Jupiter trine shows up in steady earth signs on August 1 and blesses your love life with stamina and drive. At the same time, an airy Aquarius full moon shines down and improves communication issues by allowing you to keep an open mind when listening to current or potential loves.

The sixth brings a tense sun-Jupiter square that finds overinflated egos extremely difficult to deal with. When you’re in a relationship (or want to be), it can’t be all about you all the time. Remembering that love is a two-way street is the key to thriving during this battle-prone aspect.

On August 22, another square, this time between productive retrograde Venus and far-reaching Jupiter, actually distracts you from what’s important and has you focusing on things that don’t really matter. Which is beyond frustrating for someone who wants your full attention.

The dynamic sun heads into Virgo on the twenty-third, around the same time that Mercury goes retrograde while also paired with Virgo, flooding your love life with logic and routine. If you thrive on excitement and spontaneity, Sag, you could get bored pretty easily in the coming weeks.


A tense opposition between thinker Mercury and your ambitious ruler Saturn shows up on August 1, making you aware of romantic opportunities that you’ve missed out on recently and what they might have cost you. It’s not too late to meet your goals, but you’re going to have to work hard.

A new moon in feisty fire sign Leo arrives on the sixteenth and gives off sassy, playful vibes. You don’t always showcase your sense of humor, so a current or potential partner is surprised by your jokes and pranks during this lunation. Just have fun, Capricorn, and forget about your reputation for once.

You’re focused on your health when the sun leaves loud Leo for calm, practical Virgo on August 23. If you have an SO, inform them of the changes you plan to make. If you’re single, this isn’t the most romantic time of year. Concentrate on improving yourself so you’ll be ready when love finds you.

Compelling Mars is in like-minded Virgo and Pluto is in your grounded sign during their trine on the twenty-fourth, bringing varying waves of heat and caution. You’d love to get carried away in the moment, but there are too many “what ifs” holding you back. Once you get your questions answered, you should be able to let loose and have an uninhibited good time.


There’s a magical full moon in your powerful first house on August 1 that’s reason to celebrate. Hanging out with friends and loved ones reminds you that there’s more to life than romantic love. If you’re in a great relationship right now, enjoy each other’s company.

On the ninth, a Venus-Uranus square brings uncertainty, so always make sure you have an alternate plan in mind. Of course, you can always wing it, but that won’t make a very good impression on a first date. If you’re currently in a relationship, this aspect can cause you both to do things that you will regret. Think twice before acting.

Commitment-focused asteroid Juno moves into scene-causing Leo on August 15, so get ready for some drama. Nothing happens in relationships now that isn’t messy for one reason or another. So even if you didn’t start it, you’ll probably find yourself in the middle of it. Good luck!

Your rebellious leader Uranus goes retrograde on the twenty-eighth, causing you to rethink some of your more questionable romantic moves. Is it really better to regret something you did than something you didn’t do, Aquarius? You’ll be thinking about that a lot in the coming months.


The Aquarius full moon in your house of the unconscious on August 1 brings some interesting thoughts to the surface. Your dreams are vivid and your fantasies are wild. Do you dare try anything you’ve been thinking about IRL? Why or why not? There’s so much to unpack during this open-minded lunation!

A new moon arrives in outgoing Leo on the sixteenth, bringing you out of your shell and giving you the guts to finally do something you’ve wanted to do for a while. This is a great time to take a dare so you have someone else to blame your disappointment on in case it doesn’t go the way it did in your head.

On August 22, bully Mars opposes your gentle home planet Neptune, which can cause a crisis in confidence. Why are you listening to your haters, Pisces? If there are people out there who don’t want you to be happy, that’s their problem. The best thing you can do now is hold your head high as you continue to go after your romantic desires.

The second full moon of the month materializes in your ethereal sign on the thirtieth, infusing you with hope and faith and inspiring a love letter that reads, “Dear Pisces, It’s your time to fall in love with love. Love can transform you. Love is all you need. Love, the Universe.”

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