The New Moon In Leo Is Here To Help You Reach Your Full Potential In Life

  • The new moon in Leo is happening on August 16, 2023.

  • This lunar event will help you focus on how to live up to your full potential.

  • The new moon impacts all zodiac signs, but Leo and Taurus will feel it the most.

You probably spend a lot of your day-to-day just doing you. But sometimes, it’s easy to feel like certain things <gestures broadly> are holding you back from being your best self.

Consider that a major concern—but not in a bad way!—for you this month, thanks to the new moon in Leo. Happening on August 16, 2023, this new moon will make you laser-focused on living up to your full potential, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta.

There’s a lot more to it than that, of course. Here’s what else your zodiac sign can expect from the new moon in Leo.

What does the new moon in Leo mean for your sign?

First, a quick astronomy recap: The moon goes through different phases each month and a new moon is when it looks all but invisible from the earth. In astrology, each new moon syncs up with a different zodiac sign to give it a certain feel. That vibe can influence what you think and do around that time, making it pretty significant.

This particular new moon is in the sign of Leo and it’s also connected with Uranus, the planet of breakthrough, innovation, and revolution. Thanks to all that, you’ll take a beat to think about how you can make your life even more epic. Should you move to a new place that you can make truly feel like home? Finally weed out that frenemy who is forever making side comments about your clothes? Apply for The Bachelor already? It’s all on the table here.

You’ll also turn your focus to your job. Is this current gig helping to further your career, or are you just punching in to pay the bills? If it's closer to the latter, consider what kind of change would allow you to reach your full potential. Maybe taking a training course or going back to school is the key to navigating your next best step. (You won't know until you try!)

This new moon won’t be all deep thoughts and feelings, though. You’ll be extra aware that summer is just about over (deep breaths) and ready to soak up every last drop of fun in the sun. Whether it's an invite to a BBQ, a weekend at a beach house, or trip out to grab ice cream, you're so there. Basically, if it’s summery, sign you up.

On the love front, the universe is sending you a major message: Just follow your heart. Maybe that means taking some time to cuddle with your S.O. tonight or finally getting back out there after your breakup. Whatever it is, don't be scared to dive on in.

The new moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Page says Leo and Taurus will feel it the most.

How will the new moon in Leo impact the rest of your year?

The new moon in Leo will force you to take a closer look at what’s happening in your life, and self-reflection is always useful. Spend some quality time now figuring out how you can move onward and upward will have obvious benefits for your future, as will weeding out the bad stuff in the process.

At the same time, you’ll also open yourself up for more success, whether it’s in your career, love life, or both. The clearer you are on what (and who) makes you feel most fulfilled, the closer you'll become to making your ideal life a reality.

And when it comes to your ideal summer life, make the most of this season by creating new, special memories with your buddies that you’ll remember forever. That way, you won't have any kind of FOMO once the first leaves of fall start to, well, fall.

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is on September 15, 2023, in the sign of Virgo. During this time, you’ll have the urge to get organized—physically and emotionally.

But for now, revel in all that summer has to offer.

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