How the New Moon in Pisces of March 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

How the New Moon in Pisces of March 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
How the New Moon in Pisces of March 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Before transitioning into the vivacious spring season, a numinous new moon in Pisces greets us, offering a healing force of spiritual sustenance. This Jupiter and Neptune-ruled season encourages fluidity and introspection, but if you’re wondering how the new moon in Pisces will affect each zodiac sign, it marks a period of multidimensionality and deep emotional exploration. While the element water is a representation of our intuition and emotional undercurrents, Pisces’ mutable waters speak about the ability to flow through different states of being. The more we allow ourselves to surrender to higher states of consciousness, the more we can immerse ourselves in our own magic.

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The sun’s transit through Pisces brings a culmination to the astrological year, which is all the more reason to reflect on your yearly journey through the zodiac. In addition to seeing yourself and the world around you from a higher perspective, this is a time to reflect on what you’re ready to release. Pisces acts as filter that removes spiritual and emotional debris, but it also distills your experiences into wisdom over time. Some of the energies you’ve subconsciously absorbed may have blocked or hindered you from your infinite potential, which is where Pisces season comes in handy.

StyleCaster | Weekly Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign During Pisces Season
StyleCaster | Weekly Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign During Pisces Season

An identity you’ve held onto for some time is ready to dissolve. Think back to Neptune’s debut in Pisces in 2011 and how you’ve evolved since then. Don’t undermine the realms and dimensions you’ve been able to access for your creatively and spirituality, as they are equivalent to a superpower you’ve that gets stronger with time. The influence of Saturn in Pisces is also essential, as it is here to elevate you and strengthen your boundaries in the physical and spiritual realm. If murky waters from your past rise to the surface and stir up your emotions, it’s time to surrender what no longer serves you.

On March 10, Luna will renew itself via 20 degrees of Pisces at 5:00 a.m. ET. This marks the beginning of a brand new lunar cycle and an opportunity for you to set intentions for the future, especially when it comes to Pisces themes such as closure, healing, spirituality, surrender, and the subconscious realm. This lunation is almost equivalent to a new pair of lenses that allow you to see things from a higher perspective. More importantly, similar to how the moon waxes and wanes, it’s important to honor how we’re feeling, especially under this mystifying moon in Pisces. If you’re feeling called to rest, retreat, or fully release something, don’t underestimate your intuition; trust it.

The new moon in Pisces will take place on March 10 at 5:00 a.m. ET.

Astrologically, there are a number of supportive aspects to consider, starting with taskmaster Saturn. It will form an enlightening sextile to Jupiter in Taurus, offering us faith, structure, and the opportunity to expand, even if it’s slow and steady. Jupiter—planet of bounty, wisdom, and spiritual growth—is also sitting a few degrees away from change-maker Uranus in Taurus. Also known as the planet of rebellion and unexpected breakthroughs, Uranus has been shaking things up in our lives since 2018, specifically regarding themes of stability, finance, and practical matters. Nevertheless, this has simultaneously taught us how to ground ourselves amidst the chaos. The changes afoot are for your highest good. Trust the process.

How the New Moon in Pisces Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming new moon in Pisces, according to your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):



You’re reconnecting with your higher self. As the new moon illuminates your mystical 12th house of all things behind the scenes, you are presented with an opportunity for healing and renewal.  Connecting with your intuition while holding space for the intuitive messages you’re receiving contributes to a deeper understanding of what needs to be surrendered for the sake of your personal stability. Embrace the quiet moments you’re able to spend on your own, offering you a chance to clear out old energies and burdens from the past in order to make room for new beginnings. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Transcend beyond your individual desires and make a meaningful impact in the world at large. An otherworldly new moon is touching down on your 11th house of community affairs and future ideals, inspiring you with colorful visions and infinite possibilities for the future. Embrace this moment when considering everything from your social contributions to your collective consciousness. In the midst of forging deeper bonds based on mutual goals and feelings of compassion, you’ll realize that interconnectedness is the driving force to manifesting your dreams. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Reflect on what you’re hoping to redefine regarding your ambitions and sense of authority. As the new moon ignites your 10th house of reputation and destiny in the world, you are presented with the opportunity to set intentions that truly resonate with you at a soul level. Start by considering what success truly means to you and whether your goals and dreams align with your core values. Approaching your professional journey with a new lens allows you to not only achieve but also to feel fulfilled and authentic in your accomplishments. Embrace your achievements and the lessons learned along the way. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



A new journey starts now, as the moon renews itself in Pisces via your ninth house of expansion and self-discovery. In addition to stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territory, this lunation offers a chance for you to immerse yourself in a multi-dimension of experiences and embrace the endless possibilities that are ahead. The wisdom you seek outside of yourself requires a certain amount of surrender, inviting you to let go of preconceived notions and to be open to the lessons life has to offer. Use this period to broaden your horizons, whether through education, travel, or deep introspection. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Wander through the realm of metamorphosis. The new moon in Pisces brings fertility and new beginnings to your eighth house of transformation, intimate unions, and shared resources. This invites you to reflect on everything from your fears around intimacy to your mutual dependencies, as it is a time to confront and release patterns that are no longer in alignment with you. This could be a deep-seated fear or feelings of vulnerability; however, your ability to surrender will ultimately pave the way for stronger, more meaningful connections, as well as a healthier approach to shared assets. Reflect on what you give and receive within your closest bonds. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Don’t be afraid to deepen your connections. With the new moon hovering over your seventh house of negotiations, contractual agreements, and significant others, Luna is highlighting the foundation of your commitments, whether personally or professionally. This not only offers an intuitive perspective but also an opportunity for some much-needed recalibration within your partnerships. Use this new moon to set intentions around the subliminal undercurrents of your interpersonal relationships. If you’re feeling called to surrender a connection or create a new one, consider those who are supportive of your goals and can contribute to a mutual sense of understanding. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Cultivate balance and wellness in your daily life. As the new moon illuminates your sixth house of health, routines, and acts of service, you are encouraged to fine-tune your daily habits and prioritize tasks that nourish your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It’s a perfect time to adopt new self-care and self-love practices, so consider how you can incorporate more creativity and compassion into your everyday lifestyle. Streamline your routines in a way that resonates with your deeper values, both personally and for the greater good. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Immerse yourself in what brings you pure joy. A whimsical new moon in Pisces brings fertility and new beginnings to your expressive fifth house of love, passion, children, and creative musings. Ushering in a wave of emotional fulfillment and artistic inspiration, Luna urges you to reconnect with your soul’s desires and essentially rekindle the fire in your heart. The essence of this mutable water sign will not only amplify your innate intensity but also inspire you to express your multi-dimensional ways. Use this time to release any and all inhibitions, as your magic is worth celebrating. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Reflect on what a personal sanctuary means to you. As the new moon in Pisces ignites your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, everything from your family ties to your personal space becomes top of mind. But while inspiring you to nurture a more peaceful and healing environment, you’re simultaneously strengthening the emotional aspects of your life as well as your connection to loved ones. If you’ve been avoiding your feelings, use this time to introspect and replenish yourself emotionally and spiritually.  Find that stability and comfort within yourself, first and foremost. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Honor the intuitive messages you’re receiving. This month’s new moon will ignite your third house of the mind and your immediate environment, which can be equally as creative as it is enlightening. For instance, while embracing your inner knowing and opening your mind to new channels of inspiration, you’re simultaneously incorporating a more empathetic approach toward your siblings, peers, and neighbors. Use this time to reflect on how you can tap into the collective unconscious, whether by actively listening to someone in need or via creative pursuits you find inspiring. Consider what truly enriches your mind and spirit. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Reflect on what wholeheartedly matters to you, even if that means considering why and what you’re willing to make sacrifices for. The new moon in Pisces is bringing fertility and emphasis to your second house of values, finances, and stability, urging you to reflect on how your personal resources contribute to a greater vision. Trust your instincts when it comes to financial matters, especially those that inspire you to explore creative outlets and/or new streams of income. Set intentions that resonate with your core beliefs and your ideal relationship with money. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Happy new moon, Pisces! Nothing’s stopping you from making your life into a work of art. In fact, as the moon kicks off a brand-new lunar cycle in your sign, a wave of inspiration fuels and inspires you, as it is a time for potential and personal creativity. Dream big and embrace this new beginning by expressing yourself authentically, with an open mind and heart. Trust your intuitive instincts, and nurture your creative musings. Let Luna be a guiding force towards a path of self-discovery, as well as a renewed sense of hope and purpose. You’re redefining yourself in both the physical and spiritual realms. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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